Chapter 12- Tim's 9 Mile pt1

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Tim was silently looking over, this month bills, grumbling to his self, about how expensive everything is. Even the damn rent. Well, Tim expected that.

It was expected, since he did not make enough, last month  The first thing, Tim heard, as he open the door, was Darrin Stephens yelling at Samantha. Tim never did like that show Bewitched.

A smart man- a man like Tim, would wish for a harem and a billon dollars. But hey, a man can dream.

Then, Tim notice a big bellied, medium- length, shaggy dirty blonde hair, guy sitting beside a short, dry peach skin color, middle aged lady. She wore a faded Barbie doll pink, fuzzy robe; with multi colored hair rollers.

Tim rolled his eyes, seeing his mom and her bum boyfriend.  They've been in that position, since this morning. Sitting on their ass, watching tv instead of cleaning. The sink is full of dirty dishes, the food stained green and red carpet, haven't been vaccum, in weeks.

And, there was dust follicles floating all over in the air.

Tim silently walked pass the maŕie and bum Rick, tossing the bills. between them.

" What's this?" Marie ask.

" They is called bills. You get them every month." Tim said sarcastically.

This dumb ass bitch, right here man.....

Maŕie dropped the bills, onto the sticky coffee table, as if it just advertisement junk mail. Maŕie continue watching the tube. Rick grunted, as he lean over, grabbing his beer. He'd poured the alcohol, into his mouth.

Tim walked into the dirty and messy kitchen, seeing nothing but empty crush, beer bottles, scattered all around the area. Tim leaned over, opening the refrigerator, seeing a slices of cheese, a box of baking soda, and a pack of beer.

Tim growl. " So, I take it, y'all  was so damn busy, laying on the couch, you couldn't go to the grocery store." Tim yell.

Rick grunted. " Ask her."

Maŕie didn't move her eyes, off  the black and white tv.

" Oh, I had a migraine." Maŕie lied.

That's her excuse.

For everything.

I rather she, just tell the truth.

Her actions already say it.....

" Hmm, you been havin that same damn migraine, since I was five." Tim snarled. " But hey, I learn not to expect alot, out of ya." He said.

Rick slammed down, his cold beer bottle, turning around, exposing his blood shot eyes.

" Why, do you act so mean to your mama boy?" Rick yelled. " She been takin care, of you, that sorry brother of yers, an the town slut. You ain't doing shit 'round here. Just hangin wit yer loser gang." Rick said.
" Just makin trouble fo her."

Tim leaned against the orange refrigerator door, opening the top of his Heileman's Old Syle, beer, clearly unbothered, by  Rick trying to act big and bad toward him, made Tim laugh mentally. He knows, Rick old drunk ass, is scared of him.

Everyone is. Especially Curly.

Maŕie finally looked back at Tim.

" An' tis the thanks, I get?"

Tim started to chug down his beer.

" A goddamn Grizzy Bear, is a betta mama than yer ass. An'  they eat their fuckin young." Tim snarled.

Suddenly, a round dark green ashtray, flew directly right by Tim. It was three inches away from his face. Unfortunately, for Maŕie abusive tantrum, it didn't make Tim flinch. To be honest, he was unfazed. Over the years, Tim have discipline his-self, not to show any kind  of emotion.

Not even in front of Curly and Angela.

" Goddamn it Tim, I hate you! I fuckin hate you! You're just like yer daddy" Maŕie scream. She narrowed her cobalt blue eyes to him. " You jus' ain't no good Tim. You ain't."

Oh, I'm no good. Really. This is coming from a old dumb bitch, who would leave her own kids, alone- at days at a time.

Rick slowly staggered over to where Tim was at. He was so plastered drunk, he couldn't even stand up straight.

Tim was ready for a fight.

" You jus' usin' her fo' all she got." Rick slurred.

Tim chugged down his drink, and once it was all empty, he angrily threw the glass, at his mom loser boyfriend, hitting  him in the eye. Rick instantly grabbed his bruised left eye, screaming of pain. Tim made a right handed fist, punching Rick in his stomach. Then, he shoved the drunk guy, on the dirty kitchen floor, violently kicking him all over his body.

Maŕie quickly rushed over, to stop Tim. She'd laid on top of Rick, trying to shield him, as she was yelling at Tim to stop it.

Tim was still kicking the hell out of Rick. If one of his kicks landed on his so call mom, oh well then, Maŕie just got kick.

Tim thought Rick had enough, so he took a step back away from them. That's when, Rick push Maŕie off him, and tried to get up, but was out of it. He had a dark red blood, coming out his nose, a few cuts under his eye from getting hit by the beer bottle, and had a busted lip.

" That was for, callin' Angel a slut." Tim growled.

Maŕie got up, and pushed Tim on his chest, screaming  " Get out! Get out of MY house! You fuckin bastard!" She shouted.



OMG, 259 reads!!!!

I am so so freaking happy. I love that people are reading my book-

and it's about Tim Shepard- a over shadowed greaser!!!!

I have to thank lautnerslily for devoting to this book! Her comments make it all so worth while!!!

Dibs_On_Shikamaru_ gave me the confidence to write this book

cookipink is a new to my book, but she stay voting- I see ya sista!!!

And for the silent readers, I thank y'all too!!

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