Chapter 9- Sit Down, Be Humble

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" That's it Tim, I love it, when you do that." McKenzie giggle, as she wrapped her legs around Tim.

" Yes, yes! Right there- God, fuck! Stay still Tim! Fuck!"

Then, Tim pushed one more into the girl, as she'd held him tighter. When McKenzie pure sex ecstasy came back down, Tim moved off the greaser chick curvy body, and sat up grabbing his faded jeans.

" Hey now, whats the rush fo? My parents ain't coming back till ten tonite." McKenzie said, rolling on her side, facing Tim back.

Tim didn't say anything. He stood up, pulling up his jeans, shoving his feet into his chucks. Mckenzie stood up, as if, she wasn't naked.

" Tim did you hear me?"

" I heard ya, but I ain't listenin."

McKenzie groan.

" Why are you such a ass?"

" Why are you actin clingy all of a sudden?" Tim ask, as he'd put on his semi winkled shirt.

" Is it a bad thing, I want to be wit my man." McKenzie cooed, as she  putt her arms over Tim neck.

Tim pushed her off him. " I don't remember sayin, you my girl."

" I assumed- I mean, we've been hangin out lately. So why not?"

For a couple reasons.....

1. I don't do relationships.

2. An' if I did have to be in one, I rather be with a decent girl- not a girl like McKenzie.

3. I don't do relationships!....

When Tim kept ignoring Kenzie nudity, she placed her arms, on her hips.

" Earth to Tim, are you goin to say somethin?" McKenzie ask.

Tim continue ignoring her.

" We ain't datin an' never will. So I suggest, you get that fantasy, out ya head."

McKenzie flopped back down on her bed, crossing her arms.

" So what am I to you then, a fuck Tim?" McKenzie yell. " A piece of ass- till you get bored of me?"


Tim glanced at the time, and had remember, he's picking Curly up   from school.

" Well y'kno what Tim, I ain't like dem other whores you've fucked and screwed over."


When Tim was fully dressed, he took out his car keys. Tonight, he have a meeting with Leo- leader of the Brumly Boys Gang.

Tim have meet Leo before. It was during a chop shop team up.

(Both gang took cars, from other   states, and took the stolen cars to a chop shop, and spilt the cash.)

Before Tim left the room, he said this.

" If I'm such a ass, then you'll have no problem, leaving me then."


Once the sun was replaced by the  moon, it was time for the greaser sit down. Tim had Silas and Curly come too. Just in case, things was shady.

They got out of the car, standing before empty old warehouse.

" Alright here's the deal, Silas you will be on my left, an Curl you on my right. No one makes a move, talks with out my say- dig it!" Tim ordered.

" Got it Tim." Curly replied.

" No problem." Silas said.

Tim and his boys walked into the warehouse, seeing a dark haired short scrawny greaser, sitting at this wooden rectangle table, that have metal legs. There stood, two  tall greasers, who'd stood behind Leo. He stood up, and smiled.

" Tim, long time no see." Leo said. " How ya been?"

" Annoyed." Tim said, pulling out his chair, then sitting down.

" I rather, be at Bucks. But here I am wit you." Tim growl.

" Blunt, an' aways straight to the point- a classic Shepards trait." Leo josh. " I bet, Curls over here, the same. Ain't that right?"

Out the corner of his eye, Tim saw the rebel, not saying a word.

At least Curly listen this time..

Leo sat down, chuckling. Tim just stared at Leo, with this blank life  less manner. The greaser leaders, watched each other, for a second. Tim fingers linked together.

" Let's get to the point. This is the second time, I'd found out, one of yer men, is sellin in my turf." Tim said. " We have rules, to follow. If  one of my member, was sellin on yer turf. I'll discipline him- out of respect to those turf rules, Leo, I am sure, you'll do the same." Tim said.

Leo smiled, leaning back into his chair.

" Believe me, I understand the rules." Leo replied taking out a kool. "

" Fine." Tim said, standing up, as  the chair legs, scratch against the floor. "

As Tim was going to turn around, Leo stopped him.

" I didn't discipline him cause, he broke turf rules." Leo spoke. " No, he was punish, for his disobeyin. My orders that is."

Leo planned this?....

Tim kept his composer, as he sat back down.

" These rules- they're keeping us - down Tim. Greasers like us, from  obtainin our full potential." He'd declare. " Think bout it, if you an I join gangs- we'll have alot more ground work, and that more cash for us."

I'm doing great, on my end.......

Tim was mad. But wouldn't show it. Tim kept a detached look. Tim  decided, it was better to listen.

Tim unemotionally glared at Leo for awhile. Hestood up.

" 'This sit down is over with." Tim said. " It's foolish. Each section of Tulsa, is divided equally- the socs got the west, the greasers, got the east- which is separated into four divisions- my gang, yer gang, the blacks, an the River Kings. No, I ain't gonn start a turf war, unless it's for a good ass reason- it ain't. Curl! Silas lets go."

Tim turnt around, starting to leave.

Leo chuckle. " When you change ya mind. You know where to find me."


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