1. Savage

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The tragic grim  streets of Tulsa was silent. The water potholes were beneath the street lamps, as the night, spread through Tulsa. The nippy air carried a sweet scent as the moon stood high and radiant in the ink of the sky.

For the older folks, it was too late to be walking around in Tulsa- but to the low down greasers, the night had just begun.

Suddenly, there came a sun-bleached woman in the back of a off white 1940s Ford Thunderbird; wearing only a plain T-shirt and knee length red  satin pants. Yawning, the baby face woman had notice she was alone in the back of the vehicle. Lazily stepping out the car, and toward a stocky
built Caucasian guy, leaned against the hood of his car, smoking a cancer stick. The cream skin teenager stood fore the greaser pouting.

"Tim, can we talk?" She asked.

With boredom in his eyes, The guy took one long drag from his cigarette, saying nothing. The girl repeated herself again to the greaser. This time she shouted loud enough to capture his eye, but not loud enough to wake her neighbors or more importantly her parents. If they found out, their daughter was having relations with one of Tulsa gang leaders, oh she'll be shipped to Texas fast. But what teenager doesn't like a bad boy every once in a while? The Soc girl mumbled his name again.

"What do you want?" Tim responded smirking. "I ain't trying to fuck again."

The girl rolled her eyes. " Can you be serious, for a second?" The girl growled.

The greaser thought about for a second.

"Ya askin for too much." The boy said, standing up. " Look, I gota go in a minute, so make it fast." He said.

That is when Kim got annoyed. She'd tighten her cupid bow red cherry lips, putting her hands on her hips.

"Make it quick? Wow, is that how you truly feel?" Kim asked angrily." This is why, we need to talk! You don't take me seriously! I feel like I'm just a  sex dolls." She cried.

Tim seemed unflustered by Kim frustration. All while she was ranting, he was slowly puffing on his cigarette, ready to leave the situation. Since he was a kid, Tim never liked showing emotions. Hell its not like someone cared. And if someone around him, was pouring out any kind of feeling- Tim will either walk away or get upset at you. He was staring at Kim, although it was a jaded look. Honestly, Tim began to tune Kim out, especially when sex was over. But there was times, he had heard certain words like: communication, lying,
respect, and honesty. Either way, Tim didn't give a damn what Kim was saying.

The Shepard greaser was absolutely done with Kim melodramatic tirade. He only came over to get a little something to hold him over, but if he knew Kim was going to be this irritating, oh Tim would've went to Bucks. Frustrated, Tim tossed his cigarette angrily stomping pass Kim. But the blonde girl ran in front of the greaser.

"Hello! Are you listening to me? Of course not! I can't believe you Tim! This is what I'm saying! If you don't fuckin listen-" Kim snarl. " But if I said alcohol or pussy, you'll be all ears!"

Still Tim didn't say one word. He knew if he'd say something, Kim would believed she'd won. The girl always did crave for attention.

Tim was not in the mood for Kim antics....

Especially tonight.....

"You know what Tim, I am done you. Your shitty attitude! And this relationship!" Kim yelled with tears forming in her light brown eyes. "Because it is obvious you don't care about me." Kim cried hitting Tim on his chest.

And like you shifting car gears, Tim turned right around, glaring at Kim with dark colbalt eyes. It was known in Tulsa, if Tim turns dark- you need to check out fast or risk getting a beating. Kim instantly knew she was in hot water. She finally got Tim attention. All of it.

Not the attention she want.

Just as Kim was taking a step back, Tim roughly grasp Kim arm. She actually felt her heart stop.  Kim did try pulling away but Tim gripped harder. It was clear, Kim had to stay out and pray to the all the biblical disciples.

"Alright I had enough of your shit Kim!" Tim told with venom. "I don't remember ever callin ya my girl- you did that shit!" Tim yelled." An' last time I'd check, you knew exactly who I was, and what I was all about when we meet, now ya bitchin?" He questioned. " Get the fuck out of here!"

Kim bit her bottom lip, scared to say the wrong word.

" I..I just wa.nt- sp.en.d ti-" Tim interrupted Kim stuttering by growling darkly.

"Since we're on the topic about sluts- you're no innocent angel yourself! I remember getting in your pants the same week we met." Tim snarled  releasing Kim finally. He shoved her back. " So I don't care about you dumping me. I'm threw wit you anyway."

That is not what Kim truly wanted.

She just wanted Tim to finally see her.

Actually see her.

Kim wanted to scare Tim.

Not actually agree with her........

Kim bent over, trying to regulate her breathing, but it was no use. With a single tear dripped out her eye, the rest came out, like a water faucet. A crying Kim collapsed on the wet ground. At this point, Kim didn't care if her parents heard her.

Kim must've forgot she and Tim are in her folks front yard.

With tears streaming down her face, Kim lifted her head, showing puffy red eyes, silver lines on her face, and a shaky bottom lip. She squeezed her hands into a fist, wanting to over power the stinging pain in her heart. Tim was pleased by his work. Quite pleased.

He didn't want to comfort her or apologize- Tim didn't give a fuck. He shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant manner.

"Aren't you glad, we had this chat." Tim chuckled coldly, turning around and entering into his car. He didn't even wait for Kim to move out his way. She basically had to jumped to the side.

Kim was distraught.

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