Writing the last part

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This is a simple message to tell everyone that I have been working on the last chapter of this book.

It has been extremely difficult for me to imagine this book to ever end but I will try my best to make the best ending you could ever wish for.

It is a bittersweet feeling to let go of this story because I thoroughly enjoyed every moment I spent writing every word, every scene and character development. 

I am not quite there yet, but I am trying my best to write an "epic" final chapter.

And who knows...I might add a few special chapters in the future featuring the main and the secondary couples. I am not completely ready to let go of this story but I will try my best to end it on a graceful note.

Always remember that an ending is another word for 'beginning' (definitely not trying to give hints that I will be posting a new series that has been planned since 2017 )

Thank you again for supporting my writing and my books. It really means the world to me! 

I love you


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