The First time you made friends

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After exchanging a hug with Jungkook, the five years old kid who knew his way in this kindergarten, the boy grabbed your hand. He was ready to show off that he made a new friend. He just made a new friend that was a girl and for some reason he had this little pride to show it off. After all, his other friends would probably be envious of him since he just became best friends with the new kid.

Jungkook grabbed your tiny hand in his as he thought of his brilliant idea.

"Jungkook" you poke his shoulder "Were are we going?"

"I want to introduce you to my friends" he smile at you

"You have other friends?" you blink at him in amazement "Wow, that's so cool"

Jungkook feel that confidence built up in his tiny body. You seemed so impressed by him and for some reason he liked the feeling of leading you in this new world. You may have been both so little and clueless about the world but Jungkook felt a sense of protection towards you. After seeing you crying earlier, he's afraid that such a thing might ever happen again.

He pulled you along with him till they reached Taehyung who was freaking out his entire existence.You felt quite startled at how the other little boy acted out when you both appeared in front of him. His light brown hair looked so soft under the rays of the sun and his white pants were all dirtied up with mud.He looked like a cat for some foreign reason and you just wanted to touch his hair.

"The ghost is there" taehyung would shout like someone of the verge of death "WE WILL DIEEEEE..." he grabs on his own neck and fakes his death on the ground

"Get up, Taetae" Jungkook gave his friend a little judgmental gaze "No one is dying"

"How come you didn't die Jungkook?" Taehyung blinks "I'm not dead either..."

"That's because ghosts don't exist, tae tae!" Jungkook sighs "Plus, I made a new friend" he smiles

"A new friend?" Taehyung's eyes rounded before he stared at you "Y-You became friends with the ghost?!!!!"

"Taetae, stop it. I told you that ghosts are not real" jungkook frowns "You're being so rude to my new friend"

"B-But what if I die?" Taehyung argues but felt taken aback when he suddenly felt your hands play with his hair

"You're like a cute kitty" you chuckled while playing with the strands of soft hair

"K-Kitty?" taehyung blinked while staring back at you "I'm a kitty?"

"Yeah and Jungkook is a bunny" you giggle while pointing at jungkook

"I'm a bunny?" jungkook tilted his head to the side "It's the first time I'm hearing this though..." he blinked his doe eye as he ruffles the back of his fluffy hair in puzzlement

"I love bunnies." You smile at him

"I have a kitty at home!" Taehyung suddenly shots up "You should come over sometimes and we could play together!!"

"Really?!" your eyes sparkled and jungkook felt sparks invade him

Jungkook could feel this little sting in his heart that was hurting. He felt as if you preferred Taehyung over him and that was making him unconsciously pout for some reason. You wanted to play at Taehyung's place, yet you were his new friend, not taehyung's.

"Why are you sulking, kookie?" you blink at him "Is theresomething wrong?"

"No, it's okay" jungkook replies

Even as a child and Jungkook knew that showing his discontentment would only bring pain and sadness to you. He didn't want to take that happiness away from you. If you were happy to be invited to Taehyung's place then he'd just have to live with it. You were still his friend so he had no reason to feel upset about this. He could invite you over to his place too and that was what was amazing about making new friends. Being the smart kid he was, jungkook decided to keep this internal conflict for himself and choose to not make a fuss about it.

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