The First Time You Kissed

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"You tell me Y/N, do you want this?" he brushes his thumb over your cheek "Do you want to kiss me?"

Before you could ever give your response to him, reality hits the shameless boy like a train. What was he thinking when he asked you such a question? His sudden tendency to take your feelings for granted by working his moves on you, wasn't how he ever wanted it to be. He was curious and quite greedy about having the chance to win your first kiss. Was it still like a competition for him? Was he toying with you or was he being serious?

Jungkook was your best friend and his intentions were never ill to begin with. You knew from day one, when he held your hand and decided to be your friend back then in kindergarten, that he was anything but harmful. You were well aware of the fact that he could be trusted, and all these years of friendship proved that he was a keeper. Maybe you could trust him? But what would it change? Only jungkook had the answers and decisions to take in this very moment, yet he suddenly stepped away from you

What am I doing, right now? Jungkook would suddenly ask himself as he eyed your lips up-close for the first time in his life

The boy retracted his soft hands from your cheeks as you eyed him with a perplexed gaze. What was he up to? This so-called 15 years old boy, built up such tension in a room yet he suddenly dropped his hand away from you and kept his distance only to ruin your expectations. You were indeed expecting something from him and you trusted him enough to let him lead you into something new, but his bizarre behavior confused you to its finest.

"Y-Y/N" he'd suddenly bit his bottom lip shamelessly while being unable to stare back at you "I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what?" You furrow your brows

"It doesn't seem right"

"What is?" you blink

"I can't kiss you, it's not right" he balled his hand into a fist

"Excuse me?" you raise a brow

Jungkook felt taken aback by your offensive tone. He knew he screwed up but his only way to make up for his wrong doings was to pretend being innocent, and throw in some random excuse. Simply said; that was how a fifteen year old boy would deal with nerve wrecking situations.

"I can't do this to my long term 10 years friend. It'd be like breaking our friendship" he'd try giving you a decent excuse

You took a few seconds to let the information sink in, before you realized what was going on. Jungkook played with your feelings, that was your one and only explanation.

"Jungkook, did you just friend zone me, right now?" you chuckled heartlessly

"We're friends right? Or... was there something else?" the boy tilted his head

You let out a sigh of exasperation as you eyed jungkook, shooting daggers from your eyes.
In order to protect your friendship from being shattered, after creating such an unconceivable situation jungkook saw this opportunity as his only way of not getting in trouble. He intended to end it on a graceful note yet he just buried himself deep in his own grave by saying such things. Was the boy toying with you or simply waiting to get a reaction? Either ways his little acts were bothering you at its finest.

"What a coward" you rolled your eyes "You're the one who tangled me into this! I never said anything. You created this on your own and now you're telling me that you don't want it?" you commented

"Did you even want this to begin with? I just acted on an impulse" Jungkook would rub the back of his neck nervously

"Exactly what I thought, you're a hormonal brat" you nodded

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