The first time you met him in kindergarten

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It was sunny and beautiful outside. It was also your first day at this new kindergarten since you just moved from your city to this new place. You made sure to put on your favorite blue overall dress with that cute little white dress shirt under it. Your mom helped you put on these white ballerina shoes that you loved so much. You also styled your hair into pigtails and made sure to grab that pink hair clip you were obsessed with. You were meeting your new friends today and you wanted to look your best for this day in particular.

You didn't go unnoticed at all. You could say that at one point there was some kids who were getting jealous over all the attention you were getting. You were still very sensitive over how you just left your old city with all your friends from daycare to come here. You were also very shy and you had trouble approaching other kids to play with them, which resulted with you crying over how much you missed your old place.

You were sitting on that bench with your face buried in your tiny hands while you could almost taste the saltiness of your tears. You needed some comfort and reassurance. You were so tiny with so many things pilling up inside. It wasn't long before he noticed you.

Jungkook was running and playing fight with his best friend Taehyung. They were both on the ground laughing like idiots and giggling with no tomorrow. Jungkook was always careful to not stain his clothes though. The boy may have been into extreme games, but he always made sure he wouldn't get dirty like his friend Taehyung did. Meanwhile mud was all over Taehyung's pants, Jungkook's timberlands still looked like they were brand new.

He was also very stylish and his mom made sure to dress him up to his best every day. Today, he was wearing his white shirt with his green baseball jacket and his black pants. His black bangs were slightly hiding his vision and it has been utterly annoying him, but he still chose to not throw a tantrum, because he was not childish like the other kids.

As he was having the time of his life with Taehyung he suddenly heard these little sobs coming from somewhere.

"Shhhh" he put his little index on his pink lips as he stared at taehyung "Tae tae, did you hear that?" jungkook would tilt his head

"Hear what? "taehyung would furrow his brows

"Don't you hear someone crying?" Jungkook pushes his hair away from his face

They could hear it more clearly this time

"I-I-Is it a-a-a g-g-ghost??!" taehyung would hide behind jungkook

"Ghosts don't exist tae tae" Jungkook would reassure his friend

They got closer and Jungkook's facial expression softened when he saw that it was a little girl.

"IT'S A GHOST FOR REALLLLLL!!!" taehyung shout out

"Stop shouting!! My ears hurt!" jungkook would complain "No it's not a ghost! It's just our new classmate"

"B-But SHE'S WEARING WHITE SHOES A-AND A WHITE SHIRT" taehyung shivered in fear

"It's not a ghost, it''s a girl" Jungkook gulped his saliva

Jungkook always stayed away from girls for some foreign reason. Some people presume it's because of his popularity with moms and some others say that he's just rebelling. Jungkook was just a child and he was quite affected by how his aunts and cousins would pinch his cheeks everytime they're invited over. He was reluctant over approaching girls in general because he was afraid to bear with such an experience once again. What if he said yes to play with girls and they'd start pinching his poor cheeks again? There was no way he would let that happen again, but this time it was different.

The First Time With Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now