Chapter 4 (1/2)

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Chapter 4:
The Truth behind the Infinity Clan [In progress]

"I need to keep running... far away from that place," Crow said as he rushes through Hatena D4.

Crow looks up to the sky as he stops walking

"I'm going to find you guys but I have a month to waste. So, just give me some time." He said to himself as he walks off into the crowd.

S4 walking through the FN-D1

"Man... shopping is not my thing." Said S4 as he walks through.

S4 bumps into someone

"Hey, watch it!" Said Nizmo with a steady voice. "Sorry about that..." S4 responded immediately. They both stared into each other's eyes until he asked. "So, who are you?" "My name is S4 Yamada, ex-member of the Infinity Clan. Who are you?" S4 replied with a glare. "I'm Saikuo Urbytes... but everyone refers to me as Nizmo. A leader of the Soul Eater. What's the Infinity Clan?" he asked with a lost expression. "Let's step aside and talk about the Infinity Clan," S4 replied.

S4 and Nizmo walked over to a dark alley and started to talk

S4: Soul Eater Clan? You guys sound very new.

Nizmo: Yeah, we are... Why did you want us to come here though?

S4: Because I'm being watched.

Nizmo: By whom?

S4: Remember, when you said. "What was the infinity clan."

Nizmo: Yes, what is that by the way?

S4: The Infinity Clan is one of the oldest clan. This clan is the most widespread and well known. Weird that you do not know about it... However, I'm being watched by someone known as Draco Virchow, ever heard of him?

Nizmo: No, I have not heard from him. The Infinity Clan... What do they specialize in?

S4: Many things but Universal and Dimensions are their strongest. They have made many other clans with the Anti - Infinity Clan which became their arch enemy during the Battle for the Planet.

Nizmo: Hmmm, sounds interesting... So, why are you being watched?

S4: I'm being watched because I killed my parents when I was young, and now... I'm being watched by the new clan leader which is Draco.

Nizmo: I see... But why kill your parents?

S4: Because something took me over... I couldn't help myself. I just acted on my own and my parents didn't even stop me or fight back. They just accepted it.

Nizmo: Truly, it sounds like it was planned by someone.

S4: Yes, it does... I myself, think it was Draco. Before my parents' death... he has been watching me.

Nizmo: Hmmm... sigh. If anything, I could be your ally within this problem because I myself need allies and this seems like destiny is calling us to be with each other.

S4: I... guess you are right... you know what. Puts down my bags and puts out his right hand

Nizmo: So, it is a deal then... Shakes S4 hands

S4: Yeah, if anything happens we are going to help each other.

Nizmo: Sure thing, hope to see you again. Some day. He said smiling

S4: Yeah, I do as well. "He is a very interesting man, I wish to battle him someday as well," I said in my mind

Nizmo: See, you later... S4 Yamada. Hope you fix your problem. While walking away

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