24. Home sweet home

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You need a key to this place and guess what? You still don't have one.

I think this is a big enough clue so go to the next location and good luck!

You're shinning sun Sunni 🌅

I guess I'm going back home then.

The park wasn't that far from the house so I just walked there really fast, ok maybe jogged, or ran. Once i got there I looked under the flower pot beside the door for an extra key and thankfully there was one there. Thank you Sunni for keeping this here. I unlocked the door and started looking in the kitchen for a clue since the last note didn't give me one. The first thing i did was look at the fridge door for one and bam a note was stuck on there.

Goob job you found the first clue in this house, smart boy. Now go to the place in the house where we fell asleep but not in the place we're supposed to fall asleep in.

I thought back to all the nights and days we feel asleep in this house and all the places we feel asleep in. Really there were only two places and one of them being the couch.


I jumped over the kitchen table right away and landed on the couch. Just like i thought i would, i found a note on the seat i always sit in. The last one against the arm rest.

Good job you found note number 2. I don't need to be there to know you jumped over the counter to get here. My next clue is to think of the place we always went to when we got chased or lets say, ran to. It's a great way to get up and down! No go on frog boy, FIND THE NOTE!

I chuckled a bit as I read this note hearing Sunni say every word on it in my head so clearly. There was really only one place this note can talk about, pretty obvious too, the stairs!

I ran to the stairs and was ready to run up them too until I saw a picture of Sunni and me. It was a picture from when we were in kindergarten. Sunni was graduating and our families went there to congratulate her. I was wearing a suit and she was wearing a pink dress and we looked really cute together.

As i went up the stairs i found even more pictures of me and her.

There were some from the cafè where the lady said we looked like a cute couple. There were some from an amusement park we went to last year, we were wearing couple shirts and in the ferris wheel we were sitting together. The other guys decided to take a picture of us when we were looking at eachother. There was a picture of us watching a horror movie, Sunni was cuddled against me and her face was snuggled in my neck. Best part of the entire movie if i do say so myself. There was a picture of when i caught her from falling down the stairs and we were looking at eachother. There was another one from high school where we had a group meeting in the library and Jong made a joke so everyone started laughing. Since it was cold I originally had my arms around Sunni and since we were laughing it looked like we were a couple. I remember we got kicked out a few seconds later because we were too loud and had too study out in the cold. There was another one from when we were on the mall and we were putting  sunglasses on eachother, we looked so stupid. The last one is one of my favourite pictures of us, all six of us were at the beach and i grabbed her by the waist and carried her towards the water. At the time I didn't notice them taking a picture of us but I guess they did.

On that picture there was another note.

I'm a little surprised you made it this far all in one day. I promise im not following you I just know you. Anyways this is the last clue to get to the last location in this house. I know rigny another place in this house but I promise you're almost finished the hunt! Anyways this last place in the house is where i spend the second most time in. Another hint would be I hate being there alone in thunderstorms.


I didn't need a note to know that the place was going to be her room since that's the place we are always at upstairs. Once i entered i saw her wall above her bed and the wall that the bed was against covered in photos of us together and the six of us from when we were in kindergarten all the way to when all of us got our own jobs.

There were so many pictures but what hurt was that there wasn't any of the place we first met.

Brushing that feelimg off i looked at the pictures and found out they were like a timeline leading to somewhere. First there were the kindergarten pictures basically us just in the playground. Then there was the elementary ones, this time it was halloween costumes, awards we won, concerts and all that jazz. Then came middle school, our dances, semi-formal, awards at the end of the year, our grad trip, and the graduation party. Then highschool pictures started coming up, these were more like the ones on the staircase. There were so many places we went too. The car that we all bought with our chipped in money. The sales person gave us the weirdest look when all 6 of us pulled cash out of our pockets. We used to always take that car and go to so many different places. Sunni was the only one without a license so a lot of the time we drove her to the mall or brought her back from after school clubs or practices. All of us would usually be at the house where the car was since we switched which house we parked it at incase we needed to pick her up. So really it was never one person, it was always a group pickup or drop off when we used that car. Highschool really was a fun time. There werent that many pictures from university because we were studying a lot but there were group pictures from when we had dinners when someone got a job.

I followed the timeline of pictures and they stopped right above her headboard and the last picture was one of me giving Sunni a piggy back looking at her while she was laughing looking somehwere else.

I looked underneath the picture and found the last clue. Since i only spent about an hour at the house it was only 3pm and Sunni said the hunt was almost over so I think i can have some more time to look at these pictures.

Honestly I just don't want to be reminded of how Sunni lost her memories. I'd rather live in a world where everything is perfect, but it's not is it. After about another 15 minutes i picked up the note and started reading.

I guess this is my last time in this house for a while i thought before reading the note thay said.......

Hi my lovelies! So the hunt is almost over I think theres only 3 more places left. After those chapters there will be a few more chapters and then maybe the book will end. I wanna keep this
a/n short unlike my other ones so until next time my lovelies 💕💕

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