7. The plan

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Sunnis pov:

"Are you ready to g- WOAH," Minho yelled as he walked in my room.

"What?" I looked up at him chuckling at his cute reaction.

"This is the first time I saw you wear a dress this fancy and, you actually look nice for once."

"Gee thanks," I rolled my eyes as I made my way over to the 7-inch heels I'm going to wear.

"You sure you wanna wear those? The last time you wore heels was at graduation and you tripped, in front of everyone," He said concern evident in his voice.

"I'll be fine I'm a woman now," I confidently stated as I finished putting on my heels. Right after I stood up I could feel myself falling and braced myself to reach contact with the hardwood floor but just before I did, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.

"You're a woman now huh?" Minho chuckled and picked me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I looked up at him scared and was met with a smirk spread perfectly on his face.

"What does it look like I'm doing? You're gonna fall down the stairs if you walk so I'm gonna carry you. Also, why are you wearing such a long dress it makes it harder to carry you, you're already so heavy."

"You're the one who bought me this," I screamed hitting him with my clutch.

"Ok, ok, ow now will you stop," He turned his head facing me only then realizing the tiny space between us. We stood like that for a while before hearing someone clear their voice at the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you two gonna stay like that forever or can we leave cause we're already late," Taemin said trying to hold in his laughter along with Key. Both me and Minho quickly looked away from each other and finally reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Sunni you look nice," Key exclaimed as I held onto him for support.

"Hehe, thanks. I honestly wouldn't have worn this expensive dress but this man bought it for me so here I am I guess," I said gesturing my head towards Minho who was talking with Taemin.

"Heh, I'm not surprised he always did care a lot about you and still does. In fact, I think out of all three of us he cares about you the most. That and he never really liked your ex either. He really hated seeing you come home or to the dorm sad about a fight you had with Jackson every day. We did too but he got really mad. I think he just wants to show that bastard what he's missing by buying that dress for you. I mean, you really do look nice and a little more feminine than usual too," He spilled out making my cheeks blush instantly.

"Awww you're even blushing now. Wow, you and Minho might be the new couple." He said whispering the last part.

"Shut up," I said as I hit someone with my purse for the second time today.

When we got in the car the first thing that happened was them deciding who rides in the front. You see with my long dress it's going to take up a lot of space so whoever sits in the back won't get much room. In the end, Minho sat in the back even though he won the rock paper scissors game. (Key and Taemin pushed him in there)

"Guess I'm stuck here," He sighed the second he stepped in the car.

"HEY!" I screamed at him hitting someone with my purse for the third time today.

"Ok everyone remembers the plan," Taemin turned and faced us as Key started the car.

"All four of us walk into the hall and get the table placed in the middle so Jackson can see Sunni clearly. During the speeches, Sunni will wish him a happy wedding and be smiling a genuine smile showing him that he lost and she's still really strong without him. Right after they cut the cake Sunni and Minho will go up to the new couple and tell them they can't stay cause they have an important dinner to get to. Then Key and I will eat some cake and food and then come to Sunni's place where you two will be. Ok?"

"Ok but remember to save some cake for me," I said with a huge smile on my face.

"This girl really has no shame," Key muttered loud enough for me to hear from the back seat.

"What do you expect me to do it's cake," I yelled using my purse as a weapon and throwing it at someone for the fourth time again today.

"FOR GODS SAKE SUNNI STOP USING YOUR PURSE AS A FUCKING WEAPON!" All three of em yelled in perfect synch.

"Ooooh, synchronization." I sang making everyone chuckle.

"You're so cute it's annoying sometimes. You know that right?" Taemin asked from the front seat looking at me with soft eyes.

"Of course I do now get out we're at the wedding hall and I'm not being late to crash this wedding," I said with a smirk on my face.
Hello! It's been a long time since I updated and I feel really bad. I promise I'll get the next chapter up faster if nothing comes in the way. Anyways see you next time my lovelies 💕💕

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