21. Explaining the plan

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As they were eating i started explaining the plan.

"Ok firstly no questions until you finish eating and secondly no interuptions. Also i need all of your help ok? Ok. So I wanted to do a scavenger hunt sort of thing to tell Minho that I remeber him. Basically Taemins going to give Minho a letter that "came in the mail" and say he doesn't know who it's from. The letter will tell him that I'm lost and need his help. It'll give him a clue of the first location and if he gusses where I am from the clue correctly then he'll get to the first location. Each location will be a place that has somewhat of a meaning bwginf it and each location will have a clue. This is where you guys come in, in 3  of the locations Jong, Key and Onew will be there and give him a clue but, they will be in disguise. It's up to you gow you guys wanna give the clue but don't be too obvious. At the end of the hunt Minho should end up at a very very special place but you guys will find out later. Everyone understand the plan?" I asked facing them again. When I turned around I was met with shocked faces, I guess this is a really good plan then.

"Ok then let's get started." I chuckled and started laughing making them all smile.


Sorry for the late and short update its the last two weeks of school so theres a bunch of projects and assignments. Also EID MUBARAK! I know im late but it was because I was celebrating so I didn't get a chance to say it. I'm sorry again you guys are going to have to wait a little bit but i have a question. Do you guys want the hunt in one chaoter or have a chapter for each place? If it's one chapter itll be a reallllllllly long chapter and its going to take a looooong time to write BUT if its seperate chapters you guys will gey updates faster and the chapters wont be too long or too short. Anyways until next time my lovelies 💕💕

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