(This is Dylan's demonic form 🖤🖤🖤)

Dylan said and disappeared right in front of my eyes and I wasn't able to see him until... I felt breathing on my neck and something dripped on my shoulder and I didn't dare to look behind me for I knew who it was "Say good night you bitch" I hear Dylan say and I was knocked out.

(Dylan pov)
I watched as the girl fell to the floor and I immediately used my claws to scratch her and she screamed and I don't know what this feeling was but... I liked hearing her scream and I kept digging my claws into her body which only caused more screams and I kept going until she stopped and I licked the blood off my claws and left the girl there to die. I don't care if I said that I wasn't going to kill her she wanted to hurt Crstyal I will not let that happen!

(Your pov)
Me, Bendy and Jax was now in the forest and since Bendy is able to see in the dark we wanted him to guide us to the both of them.
"The smell is getting stronger" Bendy said as he started running and me and Jax followed him and I had a flashlight in my hands so me and Jax can see what Bendy sees and when Bendy stopped me and Jax stood in horror of what we saw... Rosie had several cuts and scratch marks in her body and she was bleeding "Rosie!" I yelled running over to the girl and Jax does the same "Is she breathing?" Jax asked as I put my head to her chest to see that she was still breathing "Yeah, she's breathing" I say smiling "Who could have done this?" Jax asked as me and him cared to her wounds and I noticed that Bendy is looking around in worry way "What's wrong Bendy?" I asked him and he looked at me "Someone else is here with us" Bendy said as his eyes turned all blue "Get him Bendy" I say as I looked at him and he jumped and flew into the air and left into the darkness.

(Bendy Pov)
As I was flying I know someone was here with us and maybe when I find the person they might be the person who done that to poor Rosie. I was getting deeper into the forest as I landed on the ground and hear someone talking to me: "Oh, hello Bendy so glad that you and y/n dropped by" the voice said in a demonic voice and I got the worst feeling and I started flying away but something wrapped around my neck and raised my higher off the ground "You is too nice to these humans. All they do is hurt the only people that are nice is my Creators and y/n" the voice Said as it tighten their grip around my neck and I was struggling to breathe and something clicked into my mind- if this person said the only good people is their Creator and y/n than... Oh no. "Dylan let me go!" I yelled starting to struggle "But, why would you waste all of your powers on something so useless as helping the useless humans?" Dylan asked smiling evily "Dylan... You are not yourself. That's just your demonic side talking" I say as I finally got free of his grip and he laughed "I feel great! I know how the rush feeling of someone getting their life taken away from them and that's how I felt when I made Rosie suffer. Hearing all the screams she let out was music to my ears" Dylan said smiling evily "Y-you did that to Rosie?" I asked with fear "I honestly should have killed her when I had the chance but I let her live" Dylan said as I quickly didn't think twice about flying and getting y/n and Jax out of trouble before this inky, evil version of Dylan get to them and I While I was flying I see that Dylan was following me so I had to hurry before he could get to me.

(Time skip)
"Y/n!" Bendy yelled as he flew back to you with a scared look on his face "What's wrong?" You asked "h-he did it" Bendy said "Did what?" Jax asked looking at the demon "He hurt your sister" Bendy said "Who? Did it Bendy?" You asked "Dylan" Bendy said as he looked up to hear evil laughter "It's time to finish what I started" Dylan said as he flew towards you and everyone else "Dylan?" You asked looking at the demon in front of you "Sorry y/n but I have to kill her and get it over with" Dylan said as he snapped his fingers and you see that ink covered Rosie "Rosie!" Jax said as Rosie disappeared quickly and ended up in the hands of Dylan "Dylan no!" Jax said as he tears ran down your face "I thought you could be the person for me... Heh, I was wrong" Dylan said as he snapped her neck and dropped the body on the ground "Rosie!" Jax said crying as he ran to the dead girl's body "Why would you do that Dylan? Why?" You asked trying to hold back your tears "Y/n, he finally mastered his demonic form" Bendy said looking at Dylan "Is he gonna stay like that?" You asked quietly "No it only happens when he's angry" Bendy said "Now, let me finish the last of my plan" Dylan said as he flew towards Jax and grabbed him by his neck "Dylan!" You yelled "Dylan stop this" Bendy said as he transformed into his demonic form "Don't kill him Bendy" you say "Don't worry toots. Just keep him distracted" Bendy said as he disappeared "If your sister hurt me that means you would do the same" Dylan said as he tighten his grip "S-stop" Jax said struggling to breathe "You or anyone else will hurt my fam-" before Dylan could finish he gets cut off by Something stabbing him in the neck "Sorry Dylan" Bendy said as he watch Dylan drop to the ground and he dropped Jax as he struggles to get back breathing regularly "Jax are you okay?!" You asked as you ran up to him "R-rosie" Jax said looking at her dead body "It's okay. I can bring her back" Bendy said as transformed into his human form and carried Dylan "You can?" Jax asked "Yeah, all I have to do is make a design for her and she come out as a cartoon but she will be a human" Bendy said "Thank you Bendy" Jax said smiling as he hugged the demon "Okay. Y/n you take Dylan and Jax back to your house and I will be at the studio" Bendy commanded you as he handed you Dylan and he grabs Rosie's body "Okay see you later Bendy" you say smiling and he gave you a wink and disappeared as you transformed back into your ink form and you carried Rosie and Jax back to your house.

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