Hard Truth (Chapter 26)

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10 February 2018
'Rome, Italy'

Here I am, back in Rome, once again.

Isoon will have to command a flight back to Japan tomorrow so me and my wife are now just pacing down the busy downtown, shopping for random stuff that we feel like getting.

I noticed that Momo is being a little more clingy than she usually is. I guess.. it's because that we are a husband and wife team now?

Oh well...

Usually nowadays, everything doesn't make sense anymore.

My dreams of being together with Mina has been shattered and now I'm glued on to her best friend for my whole life.

This is what I get for being a cheat.

At least, I can say I have got a wife for life? My whole is nearly completed then, all I've gotta left now is to have children.

I stood by the shopping mall windows, watching over Momo as she browsed through selections of varieties.

She still looked quite cute, admiring all those products as she squeals softly to herself everytime she sees a thing she likes.

"Dārin! Let's quickly get out of here so we can catch our movie!" I called out for my wife.

"Ahh! But I really want this~..." Momo whined cutely to me as she pointed out the item.

"Mm... You're such a little big baby..." I chuckled and pinched Momo's cheek. "But we're going to be late for our movie at the theatre. So let's quickly move." I said.

Momo just stared at me with her pouty lips out and her pleading eyes, making me sigh.

"We'll come back once it's over... Okay?" I asked, showing a 'okay' hand signal.

Momo finally smiled slightly, indicating that she agrees. I then grabbed her hand and intertwined my fingers together with her.

We then took a stroll down the road towards the theatre, filled with many different roadside stalls and human traffic.

We continued to walk and squeeze through till' we were walking by a local park full of greenery.

"It's beautiful." I commented as we walk by.

"Mhm..." Momo hummed in agreement. "Hold on, Dārin... I gotta use the bathroom first. Wait for me on one of the park benches." She said and I agreed.

I did as I was told and sat on one of the benches, waiting patiently for Momo inside one of the many portable toilet cubicles.

I looked up and admired the beautiful evening sky coming down, changing the white fluffy clouds to red and orange streaks.

I can understand why Mina loves nature.

I still remember that one park date when she lifted her finger and a bird came to land on it.

But my thoughts suddenly disappeared when my phone started to buzz.

I brought it out from my pockets and saw that it was a text message notification from my older sister, Sana.

✓✓ Sent, just now.

"look at this."
✓✓ Sent, just now.

*video attachment*
✓✓ Sent, just now.

I tapped on the video and it started to play.

It first showed herself talking to the camera, she was wearing a police vest inside a place that looks oddly familiar...

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