All Too Late (Chapter 22)

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6 February 2018
Sana's POV
'Y/LN's House'

I rushed back home quickly after I knocked off from work.

I burst the door open and went into my room which also houses Tzuyu and Y/N's beds.

There was only a sleeping Tzuyu and Y/N wasn't at home still.

"Tzuyu!! Wake up!!" I yelled out loudly and shook her body violently.

"What..." Tzuyu muttered in her sleepy state. "Why the urgency..." She yawned out.

"I now know what we've been thinking of for Y/N!!" I yelled.

"H-huh? What thing again?" Tzuyu asked, rubbing her eyes.

"That weird ass pose that looked so similar!! I know where it came from!!" I yelled again.

Tzuyu eyes popped for a second. "Where it came from?" Tzuyu asked without anymore sleepiness in her voice.

"That Instagram photo of them in the café at Incheon Airport!! I'm suspecting something was forged!!" I said and immediately pulled my phone out.

I opened my Instagram and went on to Mina's personal Instagram page and scrolled down all the way to the photo of Y/N and Mina together in Incheon Airport at a café.

"See that whacky face?" I asked.

Tzuyu eyes widen slightly as she took a closer look. She didn't say anything but instead grabbed her own phone from the charging port and opened it up.

She then looked at her gallery and found the photo of Y/N and Momo at their one night stand.

She then placed her phone on the bed and I placed my phone besides her.

We both then looked closely and saw that the face is extremely the same even with close scrutiny of the small details like the pixels in the eyes.

I gasped. "Did Momo photoshop this face on to this figure?" I asked.

"Now that you said it, it could have been..." Tzuyu said. "Y/N said he had been drunk that night and passed out. He has no memory about the photo being taken by himself."

"According to investigative sense, people who pass out from drinking cannot do anything afterwards anyways..." I muttered.

"Go on..." Tzuyu insisted.

"Momo must have took the photo herself with Y/N passed out status beside her... With her photo shopping skills, she edited herself into Y/N and that passed out body into herself..." I said.

"Oh my god! It all make sense now!" Tzuyu exclaimed. "But.. why would she have done it..?" My younger sister asked.

"Remember that day at the Sushi restaurant when we first met Momo way back..?" I asked.

Tzuyu thought for a while. "Oh yes! She looked very.. very.. jealous..?"

"EXACTLY!" I exclaimed loudly. "You can feel all that jealousy raging out of her eyes when she watched Y/N bond with Mina!"

"This makes perfect sense now." Tzuyu said. "Momo was late in getting Y/N. She must have found out that Mina and Y/N are a item before she could pull a confession. So, she setted up this plot in order to get Mina to break up with Y/N!"

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Tzuyu said. "Gosh, what a stupid bitch this Momo idiot is... We gotta tell Mina and Y/N first thing tomorrow morning." She continued and I immediately agreed.

7 February 2018
Sana's POV
'Y/LN's House'

I woke up with the bright morning sun burning my face.

I turned to my side and saw my younger sister with my brother also in bed.

It's finally time to get the truth out.

I slid out of bed and scratched my scalp before shaking Tzuyu to wake up. Lucky us, we don't have any work today.

"Tzuyu..." I called out.

"Mm..." Tzuyu muttered in her morning voice.

"Let's tell Y/N now. We gotta explain to him the full story." I said softly.

Tzuyu continued to lay in bed and shook Y/N since he was laying right beside her. "Y/N... Wake up..." She muttered.

After a bit, Y/N started to toss and make some sounds which was signalling that he's finally waking up.

"Hmm... What it is..." Y/N asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"We need to tell you something really important." I said and explained the whole set up plot to Y/N in full detail.

Y/N just tilted his head to one side with one eyebrow raised. "Are you even being serious?" He asked.

"Yes!! Of course I'm serious!! Didn't I just showed you the photoshop evidence?" I exclaimed.

"Is it just me or do I sense that this is a plot from two?" Y/N said.

Me and Tzuyu's eyes widen. "What?" We both asked in unison.

"A plot against you?! You're my fucking brother for fucks sake!!" Tzuyu exclaimed. "We are extremely pissed off that Momo could have done such a set up to you, causing you all that sadness when Mina broke up with you!!" She continued.

"I'm guessing y'all don't like the fact that I chose Momo now. She's the one for me and this is my destiny. It's all too late to change anything now. She's gonna be married with me." Y/N simply said and stood up from the bed.

"You haven't signed the marriage papers right?! Just leave her!!" I yelled at my brother.

"It's too late anyways!! Momo is now legally married with me since yesterday... I still believe that I was the one who cheated on Mina and I think that photo is purely coincidental." He said and went out of the room to put his shoes. Now, excuse me."

"Where are you going?! Don't be stupid now!! Why don't you believe us?!" I yelled at him but Y/N had already opened the front door and left.

"I'll prove it to you just how fucked up you and Momo are!!! Just you wait, Y/LN Y/N!!" I yelled out loudly at him as I watched him walk away from the house.

"How.. are we gonna prove it to him..? Tzuyu asked me as she placed a hand on my shoulder blade.

"It's time.. to get investigative.. before it gets too late..."

Good Luck! || Mina x Reader (AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang