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"You don't deserve her."

Roose said turning back to Ramsey and seeing the wide eyed look from the boy.

"Sansa Stark was good enough, but Alanna was once the wife of Tywin Lannister. She had a child by him. The Lannister's would never allow for her to remarry to you."

Roose explained standing back up straight and looking toward Alanna again. She watched Roose as he turned and approached her.

"Go. Take your leave. Come back and I'll inform Cersei of your return."

Alanna nodded slowly. She looked to Roose and tries to read his expression, but he turned away from her to call for the guards to dismiss her. She tried to look at Roose to see his expression. But he gave her only that stone cold gaze.

"Avy jorrāelan."

Alanna said causing Roose to tense. Ramsey arched a brow looking to his father.

"Was that Valyrian?"

Ramsey questioned as Alanna left. Roose watched her leave. The words echoing in him.

"I believe so."

"What did she say?"

Roose said as the doors behind Alanna went to shut. Alanna glanced over her shoulder hearing Roose's final words.

"I have no idea."

Alanna was practically tossed out of the gates. Misplacing a step she wobbled and fell to the ground. She grunted and pushed up onto her palms as men laughed. She managed to stand up out of the muck and rise to her feet.

She sighed deeply glancing back behind her and to her surprise seeing Lord Bolton standing out on one of the walls of the fort. He was watching her as she left. She knew that he knew exactly what she had said to him. After all it was her father that taught her Valyrian and then it was her that she taught Roose a few words of her own.

She just looked up at him for a moment longer before she picked up her feet and walked away toward the woods.

Jorah had been holding Tyanna. Keeping her warm in his arms. Sansa had managed to find her way there to take shelter before continuing onward. Her sister had told her about Jorah. But what she hadn't been prepared for was the small baby being held in the man's arms.

"That's Tywin's Daughter?"

Sansa questioned looking down at the child. Jorah nodded moving his finger across the face of the small child. She was looking more and more like Alanna each and every passing day. Sansa glanced around the small cabin. She was a spitting image of Alanna. But those eyes.

Those eyes were indeed Tywin's.

"Your sister has become a wonderful mother."

Jorah told Sansa looking up from the child. The little girl. Sansa looked at Jorah with a stone cold face. One that he knew well, Alanna herself wore the same one when she was trying to keep her emotions in check.

"I can only imagine. She was always more of a mother to us than a sibling."

Sansa told Jorah. He figured as much. What with Alanna being so much older than the other Stark children.

"So she has you hiding out here with her child because she came to rescue me?"

Sansa finally questioned. She had gotten her sister's letter that had been pushed under her door late last night. It told her about Jorah and where he was hiding in the next town over in a room at an inn. She hasn't known what to think when she managed to actually find the place and found not only Jorah, but the child as well.

"Yes. As soon as she heard about your capture nobody could stop her from coming to save you."

He told her with a type of pride in his voice. It was the tone that caught Sansa causing her to arc her brow.

"How did you come to meet my sister?"

She questioned. Jorah couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"He made the mistake of kidnapping me."

The sudden voice causes the two to jump. They both glanced at the window and seen Alanna climbing inside.

"There is a door!"

Sansa said baffled as she viewed her sister closing the window and locking out the cold behind her. Alanna turned back toward them with a small smile as she approached Jorah.

"A door where I could be seen entering if Roose had me followed. Hello my darling."

Alanna said softly looking down at her little girl who had woken with a rather wide eyed look.

"Why would his men be following you?"

Sansa questioned watching her sister take her child to the small fireplace to get warm from the terrible cold night.

"He didn't believe me when I told him I played no part in distracting him when you escaped."

Alanna said kissing her little girl's head softly. Her eyes turned to look at Jorah as she took a seat on the stool.

"Now that she's saved, I must see her returned home safely."

"Returned home?"

Sansa looked toward Alanna. She frowned deeply before approaching her seated sister by the fireplace.

"My home is now in the Twins."


"Our aunt is dead. I rule."

Alanna was quiet for a moment. Her mother's sister was for better words an insane woman. To hear of her death in such an odd manner was unlike Sansa.

"Sansa. Our home is the North. I will take you home."

"And how will you possibly do that? Cersei wants your head for the death of Tywin!"

"I know, Sansa. But you must know that I don't fear the woman. She can threaten me all she wants, but her threats mean nothing if she cannot reach me."

Sansa looked to her sister as if she were crazy. Her mouth was agape and she clearly didn't understand how Alanna was going to take back their home without losing her head and having it placed on the wall.

"When I married Tywin, I became lady of the Rock. Even after his death I still hold that title. I'm still Lannister like it or not. And being Lady of the Rock means all rights to Casterly Rock fall onto me. And do you know what Tywin had inside Casterly Rock, Sansa?"

Of course Sansa had no clue. She never spoke to Tywin or Tyrion or any of the other Lannister's for that matter.

"Ten thousand men. Sansa. Ten thousand Lannister men that now fall under my commands."

"But what good is ten thousand men if Cersei won't allow you to have them?"

Jorah questioned. He came and keeled before Alanna beside her. He looked up to her face for the answers. He had to admit the woman was smart for someone her age. And it was obvious that all her years she didn't spend as something as simple as a woman to give birth to children, no. She spent her years learning, watching, seeing, doing.

What little time she had spent with Tywin she learned and listened.

And that amazed Jorah.

"I won't lie to you. To either of you. But the Lannister's are broke. Tywin told me that long ago. Cersei controls by money, and fear. But with what money? Fear. Fear remains. And what is the one thing that can always destroy fear no matter the strength of that fear?"

The room fell silent upon Alanna's question. Sansa just looked at her sister trying to figure out the answer but came up short. Jorah however looked at her.

"Hope. Hope always conquers fear."

He said causing his answer to bring a smile to Alanna's lips.

"That's correct. Hope. Show the men that and they're sure to follow."

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