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"Illyrio Mopatis, he is the Lord of this house."

The servant man said as they walked through the lush halls of the large palace like home. Alanna honestly hadn't believed that this was going to be the man that they were to see. She knew that the man was made of money due to the standing of the house, but she didn't expect Varys to know such a man.

She glanced to Tyrion as they walked along side each other almost, Tyrion lacking a bit in step compared to her due to his short legs.

"Ah! Varys welcome! I see you've brought guests!"

The man that greeted them was a rather morbidly obese man and was exceedingly furry when it came to the hair and face. Alanna stopped along with Tyrion and watched as the two interacted with one another on the steps where they lingered.

"Varys seems to know him rather well..."

Alanna pointed out seeing Tyrion's cocked eyebrow.

"Yes, much more than he lead me to believe."

He said back quietly so as to not be heard by the two. Alanna watched as Varys finished up his greeting and motioned behind him toward Tyrion and Alanna introducing them both. However Illyrio's eyes seemed to linger upon Alanna.

"Your Ned Stark's eldest."

He said causing Alanna to be thrown off by his sudden spout of information. She gave a quick curtsy and cleared her throat.

"Yes, my lord. But, how do you know?"

Illyrio laughed a bit louder than she expected, no longer use to such a hardy laugh after being around Tywin and the rest of the Lannisters for such a long period of time.

"Varys here has kept me up to date with everything. I know that your father was Hand of the King to the late King Robert Baratheon and that it seemed you helped to assist your brother in the War of 5 King's until you were kidnapped and then married to your kidnapper, Tywin Lannister."

Alanna held her breath when she realized just how much this man knew about her and how little she knew about him.

This was extremely unsettling for her.

"Not to mention she also carries the late Lord Tywin's child in her womb."

Varys added with a slight knowing tone causing Illyrio to look at the man rather baffled.

"I heard about the death, but I did not know he was expecting?"

He said turning back toward Alanna. It was then Tyrion cleared his throat drawing the awkward attention toward himself.

"Yes, yes, this is all good reminding the grieving widow that she is with the child of her dead husband, but perhaps we can continue while she is sitting down?"

"Yes, of course where are my manners."

Illyrio said with a quick nod and a crooked grin. Tyrion's witty remarks caused the man to escort them inside his home where he allowed for them to rest.

"You must forgive me, my lady, I shouldn't have brought up your late husband so soon."

Illyrio said taking a seat across from her. She went to open her mouth only to pause when she heard Tyrion pouring a glass of wine. She looked to him for merely a moment before she turned her attention back toward her host.

"There's no need to apologize. My... friend here is in the same boat as I myself. He's a bit testy."

Illyrio glanced from Alanna and back to Tyrion who was drinking the wine and looking up at Alanna with an astonished expression prior to continuing his drinking of course.

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