Still Alive

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Alanna and Jorah slowly came to a stop among some trees seeing the Bolton castle down the hill from where they were. The wagon they traveled in came to a slow stop.

"Now what?"

Jorah questioned as he looked to Alanna. She sighed deeply. Pulling Tyanna closer to her chest looking at the castle for a moment.

"I go in alone."

She said causing Jorah to protest, but was silenced when Alanna handed Tyanna to him.

"If my sister is there, I must find her, Jorah. Take my child and wait for me."

She said hopping down out of the wagon. Jorah looked in his arms at the small sleeping baby girl.

"Keep her safe."

Alanna said softly. Jorah glanced back at Alanna, feeling as if he was watching her walk straight into her death.

"What happens when you walk inside there? Do you honestly believe that the man who killed your family won't kill you as well?"

Alanna stopped walking. Her back to Jorah. Her breath viewable in the cold air. She lowered the cloak that she had up on her head. Her dark locks falling out and tumbling over her shoulders.

"He won't harm me. He's loyal to Tywin."

Jorah blinked confused and wondering if Alanna had went a bit mad at that moment.

"Tywin Lannister is dead."

Alanna closed her eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply through her nose.

"No, Jorah, Tywin Lannister is still very much alive."

Alanna reminded before she pulled her hood back up and started toward the castle.


When Alanna approached the gates on foot nobody even took note of her. It was as if she was walking as a ghost. It wasn't until she reached at the gates that she was stopped by two guards.

"And just who might you be?"

One of them questioned. Alanna kept her hood up, her face hidden.

"I'm here to speak to Lord Bolton."

She told them. The guards merely laughed at her and exchanging glances to each other. They then looked back to her still unable to see her face.

"Lord Bolton isn't accepting any visitors."

They chuckled again. Alanna kept still as she looked to both men.

"Really? Tell him then that it's a shame that he denies a request to see Alanna Lannister."

The man looked at her oddly and it was then one of the guards ripped back the hood and came to see that it was indeed Alanna Lannister, Tywin's Lannister's widow.

"Lady Alanna."

One of the men said while the other turned toward the gate. She kept her expression cold and unreadable while the gate opened for her. She watched the man move quickly, wondering why he was suddenly so efficient in getting her inside now -- that was a silly thought she knew the reason why.

"Thank you. Tell your lord I'm prepared to meet with him in his dining hall."

Alanna said briskly walking inside as if she owned the place.

But of course that was nearly true, once upon a time long ago.

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