“I don’t know.” He said his attention still on his phone. Feeling irritated I snatched the phone from his hands.

 “Hey!” he exclaimed. He got onto his knees and struggled to get the phone from my hands. “Give me back my phone.” I shoved the phone into the back pocket of my pants

“Not until we have a song to sing.” He grumbled something under his breath along the lines of why do I have to do this. I rolled my eyes.

“2 minutes students.” Mr. Elliot announced. All the pairs around us were already figuring out who is singing which part while Austin and I didn’t even have a song. We spat out whatever song came to our minds. But whatever song we both suggested we either didn’t know the song or didn’t like the song.

“Times up!” Mr. Elliot announced.  “Who would like to go first?” Everyone’s hands in the room were raised high, hoping he would choose them. The only hands that weren’t up were mine and Austin’s. Mr. Elliot noticed that and chose up to go first.

Reluctantly, Austin and I walked up to the front of the room. We still had no song to sing and we were first. My heart was beating faster due to feeling panicky. 

“What song will you two be singing?” Mr. Elliot smiled. All eyes were on us waiting for our response. I threw Austin a panicked look and he caught it.

“Uhm, we’re singing Sunday Morning.” Austin answered. I gave him a questioning look but he just shrugged.

Mr. Elliot nodded and searched for the song on YouTube but Austin in interrupted him. “Sir we’re going to use the guitars.” Austin grabbed my arm and dragged me to the instrument room.

“Why are we singing Sunday Morning?” I asked as I grabbed an acoustic guitar.

“I was listening to it before school. The first song that popped into my mind.” He answered as he took out two chairs. He set up the two chairs and I started playing the guitar.

  “Sunday Morning rain is falling. Steal some covers, share some skin” Austin sang. As he sang the first verse, I realize how talented he is when it came to singing. I never really heard him sing before until now. And I can honestly say he sounds amazing. But of course I would never say it to him; there’s no need to inflate his ego even more.

“That may be all I need. In darkness she’s all I need.” We sang together and I continued strumming the guitar. “Come and rest your bones with me…”

It was almost my turn to sing. There was this fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach. My mom always told me I had a nervous stomach whenever I sang in front of people. She always told me not to think about those people and just sing like I’m alone in my room. And that’s what I did.

“Fingers trace your every outline. Paint a picture with my hands.” I sang. Everyone’s eyes were now on me. That feeling in my stomach was still there but the advice my mother gave me was stronger overpowered that feeling. I continued singing my part and we sang the chorus one more time. When we finished, the class erupted in cheers and applause. Mr. Elliot had an impressed look on his face as applauded us.

“Well Miss. Winter and Mr. Desmyn, I say your 12 hours bonding session has made some improvements. Hopefully it continues to make more improvement.” He commented. “Good job. Jules and Brandon, you’re up!”

When I went to the instrument room to return the guitar, Austin trailed behind me.

“You sounded amazing.” He complimented. “You should sing more often in front of people.”

“Thanks” I smiled “It didn’t sound like you were screeching so good job.”

He laughed as he went back to watch the other duet partners. I placed the guitars back where I found them and went back to my seat beside Austin.

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