Chapter 53

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Emmett's POV:

I had just called Gio and he said he would go rescue Jeanie immediately. I could only hope that he actually meant immediately. I felt Jasper let out a somewhat annoyed noise at my nervous and anxious emotions, sending yet another wave of calm my way as he stared up at me from his book.

I could hear Edward's quiet chuckle from the music room as he heard my inner annoyance at Jasper trying to keep me calm. Bet he wouldn't be calm if this was Alice in this situation. I closed my eyes and tried to accept the wave of calm but then I heard a pop noise.

Thinking Jeanie was back my eyes sprung open but it wasn't Jeanie I saw standing in front of me in the living room. It was a dark skinned vampire with dreadlocks and red eyes, looking around the living room as if he was impressed. Edward and Jasper were suddenly on either side of me as we looked at the newcomer, wondering how he got in and who the hell he was.

"Ah, one of you must be Emmett yes?" (Laurent)

"Perhaps. You are?" (Ed)

"I am Laurent. I was told of vampires who were 'vegetarian' and I wished to learn more having grown tired of my previous coven's games." (Laurent)

"Edward?" (Em)

"He's telling the truth but the way he got here is clouded, almost like it's missing." (Ed)

"Oh yes I may can explain that. A beautiful morsel was lost in the woods where we were staying, most beautiful, and she was the one that told me of your coven. I believe she said you preferred family though." (Laurent)

"Jeanie?!? What's happened to her?!??" (Em)

"Well should James and Victoria get their way, and they usually do, I doubt the little morsel is still alive by now. She did say to tell Emmett that she would see him soon, though I suppose all of us make lapses in judgement from time to time and her lapse was tonight." (Laurent)

I began to see red as he started to chuckle a bit, not yet noticing how much I was shaking and how hard Edward and Jasper had been holding me back from him. The laughter that was still coming from his mouth and the thought that my mate was dead, and that was what was making him laugh, fueled my anger even further.

I twisted out of Edward and Jasper's hold on me and soon had Laurent as he was called up against the wall. My hands around his throat as I prepared to tear his head from his shoulders. I saw the cracks appearing on his neck as Jasper and Edward both tried to restrain me again, but how dare they try and stop this. He has basically said my mate is dead and laughed about it, what if it was Rose or Alice that was gone!?!?!?

"What the hell did I miss?" (J)

At the sound of her voice I froze, as did both Jasper and Edward, even Laurent quit struggling as much as he glanced behind me. I turned my head, not releasing my hold on him in case it was a trick, before I saw the most beautiful sight of my life. My beautiful little mate standing in the living room in gold sweats and a blue t-shirt, her hair pulled back into a messy bun on her head.

I felt my nerves relax almost instantly as I saw that he was wrong, that she was perfectly fine and alive. A smile was starting to make its way on my face as I looked at her before I saw her sway a bit and suddenly fall to her knees. I instantly dropped Laurent, no longer giving a damn about him as I rushed to her side. I gently scooped her up into my arms just as the others returned from their hunting trip.

"Jeanie you're back!" (Alice)

"What the hell did we miss here?" (Rose)

"Rose, language." (Esme)

"Emmett....why were you attempting to kill Laurent over there? I sent him here to learn more about the vegetarian diet, not to be killed by vampires rather than wolves." (J)

"He as good as said you were dead and I......I lost it." (Em)

"Emmett.....have you forgotten what I am? We're harder to kill than you are." (J)

"Ah so she is your mate, and not human. In that case my friend I offer my apologies." (Laurent)

"No not human Laurent, thought my abilities in the woods have clued you in on that really. I would have been here sooner, but I had a bottle to lock away as it was." (J)

"I was wondering how I just appeared here if you were a human but you're.....ah a genie. Now the lack of scent of her blood makes sense. James and Victoria had reasoned it would only make her taste even better." (Laurent)

I couldn't help the snarl that came from my chest as I pulled her closer to me and held her just a bit tighter. I felt her warm hand caress my cheek and I looked away from the vampire that was still on thin ice with me and back to Jeanie.

"Sorry my friend, I meant no offence to her or to you by that. How did they fare by the way?" (Laurent)

"Death by the wolves. Though if I was a moment or two later getting here you might have reached a similar fate tonight by different means I'm afraid." (J)

"Perhaps we should sit down and here what happened while Jeanie was away and with our new....acquaintance." (C)

I watched as Jeanie nodded in slight agreement with him, snuggling closer into my chest as I sat down with her on my lap. After hearing everything she and Laurent had to say I heard her yawn before I excused us, leaving Laurent to talk with Carlisle about our lifestyle. He might not be as bad as I originally thought, but if he ever comes near Jeanie without me around, I might just finish what I started a few minutes ago.

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