Chapter 1

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Emmett's POV:

I let out a 'tired' sigh as I played the newest version of Halo, well as tired as I could be without being tired at all. Another town, this time back in Hoquiam, another 4-5 years of doing the same routine. Watching everyone else be happy with their soul mates while I was still alone and waiting for the right one to come along.

"You know Emmett, there is always Tanya." (Ed)

I felt my eyes roll as a scoff came from Rosalee's mouth. I smirked some at her reaction and the explosion that I just caused in the game I was playing before I turned to him and threw a throw pillow at him from the couch.

"Shut it Edward." (Em)

It wasn't that I didn't like Tanya, I liked Tanya, we all did. She was fun to be around and we got along great, but we both knew that we were destined to be nothing more than friends. I heard Rosalie scoff a bit more before she apparently hit Edward on the back of the head.

I smirked some at that. They were the odd couple of our family, I'll admit. But she kept him in line with stuff he'd say after listening to our thoughts uninvited. Then he would kept her vanity down to a tolerable level for the rest of us, something that none of us could successfully do.

"I should be awarded for that." (Ed)

"For what?" (Rose)

I smirked a bit as Edward thought up a quick and smooth lie for Rosalie just as Alice came skipping into the room. Jasper a few feet behind her with an almost identical grin to hers. That look is never good coming from Alice it only means two things, a giant shopping trip where one of us almost doesn't come back or worse another 'wedding' for one of us to throw.

"Neither this time Emmett. I'm just excited about school tomorrow. You should wear your blue button-down." (Alice)

"Why?" (Em)

"You're really still asking why after all these years with Alice?" (Jasper)

"Good point." (Em)

"Just wear it." (Alice)

"It's not another Bella is it?" (Em)

I smirked some as I heard Edward groan as Rosalie hissed at the mention of the human girl's name. Alice had thought that she would be my mate but the girl was wrong word....she was obsessed with Edward. I can't count how many times Rose planned on killing her and had to have Alice and Edward stop her. It was a miracle to finish out the school year without the girl being strangled to death by Rose.

"That wasn't my fault! For the last time, she had changed her mind at the last second and my vision changed before I could warn anyone!" (Alice)

"Yes well if you had left it alone to begin with we might still be in Forks, rather than basically run out of town by a little human's obsession with my mate!" (Rose)

"Yeah well-" (Alice)

" nice please." (Esme)

Jasper and I laughed a bit before we all nodded to Esme as she walked in with a pile of unfinished drawings that she would surely finish these next few months without a problem. I watched as Alice took a deep unneeded breath before turning to face me again.

"It's not another Bella incidence I promise, just wear the button-down, ok. Also, I signed you up for art as your elective rather than another language class." (Alice)

"I'm not even going to bother asking why at this point." (Em)

"Probably for the best bro." (Jas)

I watched as she huffed out of the room with an amused looking Jasper smiling at us before he followed behind her. Edward and Rose left to go hunting or just be alone with each other I suppose. Though if I know Edward like I think I do he isn't one to 'do it' in the forest and Rose would never risk ruining an outfit like that, so I think it was hunting only.

I heard Carlisle come in a few minutes later and sit next to me on the couch, waiting for me to finish a level and pause the game, before he turned to face me directly. I met his calm expression with one of my own, having an idea of the conversation we're about to have. Secrets are hard to keep in a house full of vampires with super hearing.

"Edward and Jasper told me a bit how you've been feeling lately. I know you're lonely but I promise you'll find her someday." (C)

"I know and I know she'll be worth the wait, I just feel like I've been waiting forever." (Em)

He nodded and offered me a small smile, neither of us having to acknowledge that is what immortality really meant. Having a lifetime and then some to do nothing but wait for something to happen. I felt myself let out another sigh as he stood up, squeezing my shoulder once before leaving the room.

Well I guess wearing the blue button-down tomorrow couldn't hurt. The worst thing that could happen would be a bunch of high school girls falling over themselves at me, and honestly that already happens each time we do this. Might as well give them something hot and single to stare at on the first day of school.

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