Chapter 2

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Jeanie's POV:

I was dressed in a gold skirt with a cream blouse, with shoes to match. The color gold was one of the things that I couldn't avoid and I blamed it on my nature. Genies always had at least one thing they were obsessed clothing wise. Uncle Gene had Hawaiian shirts, Aunt Jenny had polka dot skirts, while a friend of mine had the color pink.

My obsessions were gold and blue, I just couldn't get enough of the two colors. Much of my apartment was decorated using those colors just in different shades. I had things in shades of gold to amber, and then royal blue to sky blue. I have problems I'll admit, but then I suppose all genies do in that aspect. I suspect that some of it comes from previous masters, and the gold was definitely a thing that Pharaoh Cleopatra favored just as much as I do now if not more.

I stepped out of my sky blue beetle and found myself looking at a rather plain looking office. Many students were sitting on the benches outside and talking with one another, a few glancing my way before going back to their friends. I had decided to start at the beginning of the year, so it was first day back for everyone. I think that's supposed to make transferring to a new school easier. Though a few glares from some human girls makes me wonder if that's true or not.

I gave a slight shrug before heading in to the office to collect my schedule. The office was small but warm with the scent of lavender all around. The woman at the desk was old, but looked more than capable of whipping someone into shape should they need it.

Not to mention as old as she looked she would be nothing but a child compared to me, though I guess I should play the part as best as I can. I had ensured I would appear as 16 or 17 to humans, but other supernatural would see me for the way I truly looked, about 20 or 21.

"Good morning. I'm new and was told to collect my schedule from here today." (J)

"Ah yes, good morning dear. I'm Mrs. Connie, the Vice Principal. Our secretary, Mrs. Coombs, is out with the flu right now poor thing. Now, since the McCarty's have already come in and the Hales have as well, you must be Jeanie Eden."

"Yes Mrs. Connie, I am." (J)

"Well then on behalf of all our staff welcome to Hoquiam High. Now here is your class list, locker number, just know that we don't use locks or combinations here, a simple map of the school, and......ah yes here it is. Your excused absence from gym in replacement with a second art class due to medical reasons." (Mrs. C)

"Thank you very much Mrs. Connie." (J)

"Not at all dear, not at all. Have a great first day." (Mrs. C)

I gave another smile to the kind woman, as I left the room, hoping that everyone was just as kind as she was. Though somehow, I have a gut feeling that they won't be, and my gut feelings are never wrong unfortunately. I was already nervous about passing for 16, when I am older than everyone here combined, now this feeling of foreboding. Great.

I found my locker rather quickly and felt someone staring at me. I drew myself up to my full height, though at 5'7" that wasn't much, and turned in the direction of the stares. I was met with three pairs of dark golden eyes staring back. My first thought was how awesome it would be to have golden eyes like theirs, followed by the obvious fact they were the most beautiful humans I had ever seen. Almost too beautiful.

I could tell the three humans knew each other as close as they were standing, two of them even armed up together with the guy's arm around her shoulders. The girl had long blond hair but looked as if she thought the sun revolved around her, though I'll admit it almost could. Her guy, as he seemed to be, had a wind-swept mess of bronze colored hair, and he looked almost confused as he stared at me. The second girl had a unique pixie cut and almost cat-like grin on her face as I stared at them all.

I stared for a moment longer before I heard the first bell ring. The hallway was soon crowed with more students coming in from the parking lot. I quickly turned back to my locker and grabbed the book I needed for Calculus, before glancing at the map of the school and heading down the hall for the classroom.

The humans with the golden eyes made me feel wary, as if they were dangerous and I feel as if I've met them or someone like them before though I can't place it. Definitely not fairies or elves, though the girl with the short hair was short enough to be one or the other for sure. Though if any genie would it would be my luck to run into a family of fairies, they are either all pranksters or assholes.

It's not so much their eyes themselves, rather the sense of danger and destruction that seems to almost radiate from them. Familiar to that of previous masters of mine really, but it's unfair of me to compare them to those monsters when I don't even know them yet. I push the thoughts of the golden eyes away as best as I could before I walked into my first class of the day and introduced myself to the teacher.

"Ah yes, Ms. Eden, I'm Mr. Matthews. You can take a seat almost anywhere, we don't have assigned seats in this class." (Mr. M)

I nodded and smiled at him, his appearance making me believe that he and Uncle could be great friends. He doesn't have a goatee like uncle but his mustache is one for the books. I made my way to a window seat in the back and found myself sketching as I waited for the bell to ring, signaling the last bell before class. I wasn't paying much attention to anything until someone slammed a book down on the desk next to me.

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