Chapter 14

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Jeanie's POV:

I let out a quiet yawn as I sat back down on the couch, having just walked Emmett out to his car. He and Gio had gotten along really well last night so I invited him over again today for another movie and to listen to Gio talk a bit about his travels, at least what he could say without giving it away just how old he was.

I knew Gio was watching us like a hawk from inside, so I hugged Emmett goodbye rather than kiss him as I wanted to. I would never hear the end of it from Gio if he saw me kiss him. Not to mention that wouldn't be the best first kiss we could have, so I was content to wait.

"Well Jean, he seems cheerful but I agree with you. A human he is not." (Gio)

"I know, but he's not an elf either, nor is he a fairy." (J)

"Hmmm troll or hobgoblin with a human disguise?" (Gio)

"I have considered that." (J)

"And you still want to go out with him?" (Gio)

I sat there on the couch as he asked me that, really thinking about before I nodded. He could be a disgusting looking hobgoblin under his 'human disguise' and I would still want to give him a chance.

"I trust him Gio." (J)

"Well that much is obvious Jeanie, he is the first creature that you let get close to you in......" (Gio)

"Almost 300 years, I know." (J)

"And your nightmares?" (Gio)

"None since coming here and meeting him." (J)

"Hmmm interesting.....perhaps he is the one for you. Have you considered this Jean?" (Gio)

"A bit I suppose." (J)

I saw him smile a bit more as I let out another yawn, still slightly recovering from using so much magic the other day. Non-wished for magic could tire a trapped genie out for weeks after it was used. I was hoping to back to normal by the end of the weekend, because I didn't want Emmett to worry about me come Monday.

"Well suppose you should get him to say it then." (Gio)

"Oh yes, Monday after school I'll just walk up to him and be like 'Hi Emmett, I'm a genie and I would love for you to hold my bottle and wish me free because I think you might be the one." (J)

"It's what I do when I think I've found the one." (Gio)

"And you've had....what number did we find out you were actually on as far as masters go?" (J)

"38 but that's besides the point." (Gio)

"No, dear cousin that is the point." (J)

"It's not scary Jean." (Gio)

"I know it's not, it's terrifying. Not all genies are like you Gio. Not all of us can face going back into the bottle so calmly. Back to the loneliness and darkness, only to see the light when your master wishes for something else. My bottle terrifies me." (J)

I felt him wrap his arm my shoulders as a few tears fell from my eyes as I thought about the idea of having to return to my bottle. I heard him tell me it was alright and to not worry as I started to fall asleep against him, the tears stopping for now with his soothing words.

I barely heard him snap his fingers before he laid me down on my bed, kissing my forehead before snapping back downstairs to re-transform the couch into a bed for himself. The last thought I had as I fell asleep was being forced to return to the dark, lonely, small prison that was my bottle.

Emmett's POV:

I heard Alice gasp a bit from the small chair she was reading in and paused my game to look over and see her having a vision. I sprang to my feet ready to rush to Jeanie's house if I needed to when she suddenly came out of it. A few seconds later and she came out of her vision before she looked at me.

"That was the first whole vision I had of Jeanie. She's going to have a horrible nightmare tonight but if you try to wake her up it will only make her distrust you and fear you." (Alice)

"So....I can't go see her tonight or help her?" (Em)

"You can't, we just have to wait until morning and then I'll ask if she wants to come over or something." (Alice)

I stood frozen in place for a moment as she zoomed out of the room to her car outside. I heard the small Corvette start before it zoomed down the drive and towards who knows where. With nothing else to do and my mind full of worry for Jeanie I started to pace in the living room.

"Emmett, Alice told me. Don't worry, everything will be fine." (Jas)

I barely had time to register that Jasper and the others were back as I simply nodded at his words. I saw Rose stare at me in pity for a moment before her calm façade of an expression replaced it and she left the room. I didn't notice what the others did as I continued to pace, waiting for daybreak so I could text Jeanie.

Alice's POV:

I sped towards her house having not only seen her having the nightmare but knowing that her cousin downstairs wouldn't hear her and wake her. I knew I couldn't let Emmett know what I was doing right now, otherwise he would insist on coming but each vision I saw him do that made Jeanie pull away from him, from all of us.

I park a block away from her house, before getting out and rushing over to her balcony. I sigh in relief as I saw a tree next to it, with a branch that jutted out far enough to say that's how I got in. She didn't have any other way for me to climb up to the balcony.

I looked around before jumping up and landing silently on the balcony floor. I slid open the door and saw her flinching and crying in her sleep on the bed. I rushed to her side before I gently started to shake her. I heard her muttering in what sounded like Arabic or perhaps even Hebrew as she remained asleep before I gave it one last attempt.

"JEANIE!" (Alice)

She woke with a start and sat up on the bed her hand closed around the necklace she always wore and a fearful expression on her face. She reached over to a lap by the bed before flicking it on and then stared at me in question.

"Alice.....what are you doing here? In my room, at.....5:30 in the morning? How did you even get in here?" (J)

"I climbed the tree outside and jumped to the balcony. Don't worry I used to do stuff like all the time when we lived in our last place. I couldn't sleep because, well because I was bored." (Alice)

"You were you decided to come to my house at 5:30 in the morning, climb a tree, wake me up, and chat?" (J)

"Yep, or we could do some online shopping! I brought my laptop!" (Alice)

"I think I should talk to Jasper about keeping you more entertained or at least taking away your car keys after 11. Though I won't lie, I'm happy you woke me." (J)

"Your dream did look unpleasant." (Alice)

"It was. Well I won't be able to go back to sleep now anyway, so bring on the online shopping I guess." (J)

I let out a happy little squeal when she said that, seeing her smile and shake her head at me as I did. She grabbed two pillows and handed me one before laying on her stomach. I copied her actions and opened my laptop to several already open tabs of designer websites.

"I trust you know my color tastes by now." (J)

"Of course, but let's maybe get a few different shades of blue to at least mix it up." (Alice)

"Fair enough I guess. But I also get to pick you out an outfit." (J)

"Oh my goodness, deal!" (Alice)

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