Chapter 3

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Edward's POV:

I felt a slight groan leave my mouth as the other new student walked past us. I finally saw what Alice saw in her vision, as she had been hiding it from me all weekend, the one that made her tell Em to wear the blue shirt. She saw the new girl dating Emmett, finding out what we were, and eventually becoming Emmett's mate.

But that wasn't all I discovered, it seemed I could only hear a bit of her thoughts. I heard more than I ever heard from that Bella girl, but not by much. And the one thought coming in loudest was that we weren't normal humans. Great.

"What is it?" (Rose)

"It would appear that she was the reason for Em's blue shirt isn't she Alice?" (Ed)

"ALICE!" (Rose)

"Might I suggest we wait to have what I am sure is about to be an explosive conversation until after school." (Jas)

I rubbed Rose's back in soothing circles as Jasper sent a wave of calm over all of us, watching as she finally let out an angry and almost hissing breath, and giving Alice a harsh glare before she turned and headed off to our first class. I let out another breath, sending a short thank you to Jasper for helping to diffuse the situation before I headed after her.

A small part of me hopes that Alice isn't wrong about this girl, but another part of me hopes she is. Not for Emmett's sake, because I would be elated if she was Emmett's mate, but I can't imagine trying to bring an unknowing human into our world. I don't envy that explanation if she does turn out to be his mate.

Alice's POV:

Why my family still doubts me so much, ok yeah Bella was a pretty big mistake but that was one time. And this is for a chance for Emmett to find his mate for goodness sake. I felt Jazz wrap his arms around me as I leaned closer to him, feeling him kiss me quickly on the head as I smiled.

"Still think this girl is safe or right for Emmett? You've still only had that one vision, right?" (Jas)

"I've been having a few more bits and pieces of other visions and they are both so happy in them. I know she is his mate Jazz, I feel it in my gut and my gut is almost never wrong.....never wrong if we could just forget about that one incident." (Al)

He let out a soft laugh before he kissed me again and offered me his hand as we made our way to calculus. I knew we had this with the new girl, not through a vision but because I looked at her schedule while we were in the office. So at least I know she's smart, which is good. Emmett needs someone to kick his ass into gear regarding that. It's not that he isn't smart, he just doesn't seem to care.....though I guess after repeating high school so many times it makes it difficult to care.

Jazz and I walked in right as we heard what sounded like the beginning of an argument and I wondered why I hadn't had a vision about this happening this morning. Then I realized it was an argument towards Emmett's potential mate. Guess that explains why I didn't see it, as I don't get many clear whole visions with her in it.

She is even prettier in person, with soft brown curls falling down her back and wow oh wow. I want to see what her closet looks like if that is just a first day of school outfit. I was almost mesmerized by her designer shoes until I heard what the other girl was saying to her.

"You're in my seat. Now move it bitch." (Madison)

"Mr. Matthews said there no assigned seats. I'm not moving." (J)

I saw Madison, who was apparently the blond-haired queen bee around here smirk some before she snapped her fingers and another two girls walked up to her. Wow, this is almost like one of the chick flicks I always make Jazz watch with me. I wonder if Rosalee was anything like this when she was human....well maybe not that mean but it wouldn't be too surprising if she was.

"Listen newbie, maybe you need another day to realize who's in charge of this place. But it's me at the top. You're at the bottom. Got it?" (Madison)

"And you are?" (J)

"Madison Wilson. What about you newbie, got a name?" (M)

"Jeanie Eden." (J)

"Ha oh so you're the emancipated 16 year old that's joining the school. Wow, it's no wonder your parents didn't want you to begin with. Don't expect things to be any different here. If you're in my seat tomorrow, you'll wish you'd never have come here." (M)

I was about to jump in and defend who I was hoping would one day be a future sister but Jazz pulled me down into a pair of empty seats just as the bell rang. Madison and her two cronies found seats closer to the front, while the seat next to Jeanie remained empty. I couldn't help but wonder if her time here would be a little less enjoyable after the threat from Madison, but I kept telling myself it would be fine once she and Emmett became a thing.

I glance over at her and wonder if she is really 16 though, for she looks around Emmett's age. Well his age before he was turned. She glances at me with a slight glare but it's replaced by a smile and a light blush when she sees me smiling at her. I take out a small notepad and write her a quick note, introducing myself and Jasper before quickly sliding it to her.

I see her read over it with another smile before answering it and sliding it back. She introduced herself but also asked me where I got my top because she loved it. A smile spread across my face, and I can already tell that this future sister will be the best thing that has ever happened to Emmett.

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