Chapter 13

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Jeanie's POV:

'Hey Jeanie, saw you were out of school again today. Feeling ok?' (Em)

I felt my heart warm a bit at his concern, ignoring Gio laughing on the other end of the couch at some cartoon he called 'American Dad.' It was true that I had missed yesterday and today from school. Yesterday Gio and I had basically slept the whole day, or at least I had. Today we had spent catching up with one another. It had been a good fifty years since we'd had this much time to catch up with one another without Uncle interrupting one of us.

'Hi Emmett, yeah I wasn't feeling well yesterday but today I've just spending some time with my cousin. I know we had the date planned for tonight but could we postpone it and you come over for a movie here? I'd really like for you to meet my cousin before he leaves tomorrow.' (J)

I pressed send and felt guilty about postponing the date, but honestly I still felt a bit drained. I was more out of practice with non-wishing magic than I had thought I guess. I waited for him to reply as I made myself a cup of tea, rolling my eyes as Gio laughed at some stupid joke. Sometimes I honestly forget just how old he is, as he never acts his age.

Emmet's POV:

I felt a wave of relief flood my body as I read that her cousin was in town, and that was who was in bed with her the other night I feel sure of it. After the wave of relief leaves I feel a bit of a letdown about the date being postponed, but it's got to be a good sign if she wants me to meet her cousin. Though I do wonder why, if she has a cousin, why didn't she live with an aunt or uncle rather than stay in an orphanage.

'I don't mind postponing the date til later and meeting your cousin sounds like fun. What time were you thinking?' (Em)

'8 work?' (J)

'8's perfect, see you then Jeanie!' (Em)

'😉' (J)

I felt a smile spread across my face as I saw her last text to me. Movie night might not be as great as I was hoping the date would be, but to be with her for anything is a gift so I'm not complaining too much. I played some random video game, waiting for the minutes to tick solely by, until finally it was 7:30. Getting ready had never made me happier as I showered, put on some nicer clothes and left in my hummer to go to her house.

I pulled up in the drive and saw her open the door just as I was making my way up the walk. The smile on my face grew bigger as I saw her wearing a pair of gold leggings matched with a blue sweatshirt. Her curls pulled into a messy bun on her head, and I saw a touch of flower on her cheek.

"Hi, I'm so so sorry about having to postpone the date tonight, it's just I have seen my cousin for years now. And he needed a place to stay for a few days." (J)

"It's fine Jeanie, I understand and I don't mind. Baking something though?" (Em)

"What?" (J)

I laughed a bit as I gently touched her cheek and showed her the flour that came off. Her face flushed bright red before she turned her head towards the kitchen and shouted something in what sounded Arabic. I heard a guy laugh from in the kitchen as she rolled her eyes a bit and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Sorry, my cousin can be a bit of an idiot sometimes." (J)

"I don't mind, flour looks good on you Jeanie." (Em)

I see her blush again before she waves me off a bit before moving aside from the entrance. I walk past her, catching her not so subtle stare before another blush makes her look away and walk towards the kitchen. I follow softly behind her, throwing my jacket on the couch as I walk past before I see someone that could easily be a pirate......or maybe Aladdin.....standing in her kitchen.

He turns to face me just as he pulls what looks like pita bread from the oven, along with a pot of hummus from the stove. He puts them down on the counter before leaning against the sink and eyeing me up and down. I cross my arms as he has his crossed watching him stare at me with a keen stare that is a bit unnerving before he finally cracks a grin.

"You must be Emmett, the 'mountain of a man' that has caught my fair cousin's attention." (Gio)


I watch as Jeanie throws something at Gio? He only laughs as he ducks and picks the dish towel she had apparently thrown up and throws it back. The smirk that her description of me to him brought a few seconds ago remains as I think that my mate thinks me a 'mountain of a man.'

"Ha, yeah I guess that's me." (Em)

"Well cool bro, I'm Giovanni but my friends call me Gio. The ladies call me-" (Gio)

"It's not nice to lie Gio, the ladies never call you." (J)

I rose an eyebrow at Jeanie's comment as Gio was attempting to make what I'm sure would have been an amusing joke. Gio looked shocked a bit before he started full on laughing as Jeanie sat at the counter dipping a piece of pita into hummus.

"I like you Emmett. She never made jokes like this before, you must be a good influence on her after all. You have my approval little cousin." (Gio)

I smile some as Jeanie only puts her head in her hands and lets out a deep sigh. Same relationship as me and Edward it seems, and I know if that's the case there is a lot of love between these two, even if they drive each other insane more often than not. A few minutes later and I realize that Gio is a pretty cool human, and that I have nothing to worry about from him as competition because when the movie started Jeanie was practically sitting in my lap. And I wouldn't have had it any other way.

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