Chapter 28

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Emmett's POV:

Today was the day that my family either found amusing or annoying, Halloween. There never failed to be several 'vampires' running around, complete with fangs and fake blood. Though Rose and Alice always took this day to dress up as much as possible. This year Rose was going as genie and had somehow gotten Edward to agree to go as a sultan or something like that.

Alice was going as Tinkerbell and Jasper was going as Peter Pan. I sure wasn't sure how he was threatened into that one. I had asked Jeanie if she wanted to do a couple's costume a few days after our official first date, but she said she didn't dress up on Halloween because she just wasn't a fan of it.

Mate after my very heart in every way it seemed, but to keep with tradition of dressing up with my siblings I ended up picking the costume of a baseball player. Edward parked his Volvo in its normal spot just as I spotted my lovely mate sitting on a bench only a few spots away.

Jeanie was dressed the same as she normally was, a gold sweater and dark blue jeans. Her hair was pulled up into a neat bun, with only a few curls fighting against it. Though since she's already an angel it's not like she actually has to dress up on Halloween.

My smile grew wider when she looked up at our car as it finally stopped, though I swear Edward was slow parking on purpose. The other humans already heading inside as the cold air drove them to the heated classrooms. Already though I see a vampire, and two witches. Out to be a great day. I don't get a chance to feel annoyed though as Jeanie walks up and kisses me.

"Nice outfit Emmett, or should I say Babe Ruth?" (J)

"Oh I'll answer to either babe, but if you think I look bad just wait. It gets worse." (Em)

I wrapped my arms around her as she watched Alice and Jasper climb out, feeling her shake with suppressed laughter as she looks at Jasper. She gives Alice a quick hug telling her she makes a perfect fairy before she looks at Jasper with a huge smile on her face.

"Not a word Jeanie, or you do the work for the next English presentation by yourself." (Jas)

She nodded but a laugh still escaped her mouth as Jasper sighed, a small smile crossing his face as well. Then Edward and Rosalee got out of the car and I felt the laughter from Jeanie die instantly. Jasper shot her a concerned look as she looked at them each, before she forced out a smile.

"You look beautiful Rosalee, but I think I'll head inside now to avoid freezing to death." (J)

I kissed her goodbye, because I wouldn't see her until lunch, and watched her walk inside before turning to see Jasper looking after her in concern. Even Rose looked concerned with the way that Jeanie seemed to go from cheerful to......well upset is putting it one way I suppose.

"Jasper?" (Em)

"She was happy but when she saw Edward and Rose, it was like she went straight to depressed and worried and hurt and even fearful all at the same time." (Jas)

"I don't understand though why........shit the genie outfit, I'm an idiot." (Em)

"What?" (Rose)

"Long story and I only know part of it anyway really, I just know she doesn't like the idea of a genie and a master, which with Edward as a sultan you kind of have going on here." (Em)

I was going to go and try and find her to make sure she was ok, but then I heard the last bell ring for first period. I felt a moan leave my mouth before I felt Alice squeeze my shoulder, forcing me to look at her.

"Don't worry Emmett, we'll be with her until lunch then you can check on her ok?" (Alice)

"Thanks Alice." (Em)

Jeanie's POV:

I hadn't meant to seem rude or walk off as suddenly as I had, but I could take looking at Rose's and Edwards costume. I had told myself that if I saw a genie costume I wouldn't let it get to me this year, yet I failed. All these stupid costumes with humans dressing as me or my friends or some horrible creature like version of them always seemed to get to me.

It was one of the reason's I hated the Halloween holiday as it had become in this new world. It always seemed to make a mockery of one species if not multiple. I was not alone in feeling offended or disgusted by the holiday. Fairies had been known to curse different cities with rain on Halloween if they became offended.

I was sitting at the desk next to the one that was unofficially Alice's and Jasper's when the last bell rang and I saw my own nightmare walk in. Madison and her two friends walked in dressed up in a particularly painful costume. Madison was obviously dressed as Pharaoh Cleopatra, while her friends were dressed as me and Sepharah as she would have looked in her human disguise.

In reality Sepharah is a sphinx and served Cleopatra alongside me as both friends and slaves, though her slavery was voluntary while mine was not. I knew it was us as we were depicted in a few hieroglyphics as Cleo's faithful servants. I felt as if I was going to be sick when I saw Alice and Jasper walk in.

Just as the panic and hurt inside my chest was threatening to burst out in the form of tears, a wave of calm seemed to wash over me. I saw Alice start to say something but was stalled as Mr. Matthews walked in dressed as Dr. Frankenstein. Throughout the class I focused on anything and everything other than Madison and her friend's costumes. At the end of the class I listened the others leave before I stood up with Alice at my side.

"Are you ok Jeanie?" (Alice)

"No, I feel I am not ok right now. Just tell me when Halloween is over." (J)

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