Lets start working

Start from the beginning

"Yeah! although I don't know how long it needs to know that" she looked at me, "any way, see ya later, Clark" she hugged me and I walked her down to the front door.

"See ya later Lou" I hugged her again and she left. I got back to my room and looked at the clock 4:30. Dylan was coming over at 5 ish I think. we were going to start searching for anyone like us, or try to know what we are.

"Sup, Clark" said Caleb coming into my room.

"Don't you knock!" I yelled at him.

"You door was open! why would I knock if it's open?" he asked like it was obvious. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What do you want?" I asked him as he sat next to me on the bed.

"Mum and dad are cooking dinner as a 'we're sorry we weren't here for you clark' dinner and they said you could have a friend over for dinner of you want," he explained

"Maybe.." I said. maybe when Dylan comes over I could ask of he wants to have dinner.

"Cool," he nodded, " so how was spending time with Lou?" he asked me.

"It was nice! I felt like I knew her, and trusted her you know, like she really is my best friend," I smiled. he put his arms around my shoulder.

"Yeah," he said, " I'll break it to you Clark, she actually is your best friend," he said I rolled my eyes and kicked his shoulders, 'stupid' I muttered.

"You don't say!" I told him. he laughed and made his way to my door and stopped,

"she's probably weird, that's why she's your friend, why do I need to tell you, she is weird!" he said and I threw a pillow at him.

"Caleb, I am this close to ripping of your throat out" I yelled and he ran out of my room.


I was startled at first then I relaxed knowing it was Dylan .

Hey! where are you?

I am actually at your front porch

Well, why don'tchya knock. ever heard of it?

Yeah, I was just uh, hoping you would be, uh the one that answers the door..

Ohh.. wait are you Scared of meeting my brothers?

I got up and started making my way down stairs.

What? no! pfh. huh, uh.. yeah. I mean no. I just don't want to answer all of the questions myself.

Yeah, that would've been hilarious, watching my brothers beat you with questions, I am by the door you can knock.

Ha ha funny.

The door bell rang. I opened the door to see Dylan standing their wearing khakis and a blue shirt.

"Hey!" he greeted with a smile on his face.

"Hey!" I smiled back at him, "come on in" I invited him in.

"CLARK! who's at the do- oh heyy" Scott yelled then came to the front door and saw me and Dylan, "who.. are you?" he asked Dylan.

"Oh, I am Dylan, Clark's friend," Dylan said taking out his hand for Scott to shake.

"How exactly do you know Clark?" Scott asked. Dylan started speaking but I interrupted him.

"He was my friend, from when I was 15 and he was from the people I remembered after the accident, so I called and figured we were still friends so he said he'd help me catch up," I lied looking at Dylan, "he is one of the few people I trust." I finished.

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