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Jimin entered his bedroom holding a bag of snacks from the convenience store and dropping it on the bed next to his best friend

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Jimin entered his bedroom holding a bag of snacks from the convenience store and dropping it on the bed next to his best friend.

Yoongi was in a daze, hardly noticing his friend's arrival. He looked exhausted and lost. His hair was a mess and it was evident that the boy had just thrown on a random pair of sweats and a t-shirt before rushing over to Jimin's apartment.

When Yoongi had texted Jimin the news, the smaller didn't hesitate to invite the blonde over. In the past, whenever one of the two were sad, sleepovers always seemed to do the trick, and his apartment would be more private than Yoongi and Hoseok's shared dorm room. Yoongi was dumbfounded and heartbroken, so much so that he didn't even know how to react or feel. He was almost numb, which worried the younger greatly. A simple sleepover wouldn't do the trick this time.

"Sorry I took so long. There was a long line at the convenience store" the younger stated, hoping to pull Yoongi out of his trance. "I bought your favorites!" Jimin gave the older an exaggeratedly happy grin and lifted the Tteokbokki crackers and banana flavored milk out of the sack.

When he didn't get acknowledged in the slightest by Yoongi, Jimin gently set the snacks by the older and let out a sigh.

"Can you please explain to me what's going on?" he pleaded. "I read your text, but you haven't said a single word since you got here. It's been hours. I'm concerned about you Yoongs. Please tell me what's wrong."

Like magic, Jimin's words made the older suddenly crack. His eyes filled with tears as he bit down on his bottom lip to hold back from sobbing. It was like saying it out loud would make it all real for him. Whatever was happening was devastating for Yoongi, and it was incredibly heartbreaking for Jimin to watch.

The younger sat patiently waiting for the sad male to speak.

Yoongi took in a sharp breath and let out, "I saw her Jimin. I seriously saw her with my own eyes." He clenched his fists tightly over his lap. Jimin just watched his friend carefully. "I mean... I didn't like see them at it, but I saw them leaving the empty classroom together and it was so obvious!" he spat, clearly getting more frustrated and confused.

"Hyung..." Jimin didn't know what to say. He just waited and hoped his friend would go into more detail for him to understand better, and he did.

Before Yoongi went to catch up with Jimin and the rest of their friends for lunch, he decided to pay a visit to Sera. She would've just finished her theatre audition and he wanted to surprise her and see how it went. Being the perfect boyfriend he is, he even prepared a box of chocolates for his little actress ahead of time that said, 'I'm so proud of you!' on the top in gold lettering.

He clutched the box in his hand and walked down the drama hall with the biggest derpy grin on his face.

As he walked by classrooms, he scanned each door for any indication that auditions were taking place. He finally found a door with a paper sign stating 'Auditions in Session'. Yoongi glanced down at his watch in curiosity.

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