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Jimin sat in his favorite spot, the far back, near the windows, in the University's library

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Jimin sat in his favorite spot, the far back, near the windows, in the University's library. He had his headphones in listening to his favorite artists at the time. He enjoyed listening to almost any genre of music, anything that can give him a bit of an escape from his busy college life. He wasn't picky because there's just something about plugging his headphones in, throwing his head back, and closing his eyes that relaxes him. These times were always perfect in between strenuous homework assignments and the constant day to day surrounded by hormonal young adults. Of course college life is much better to deal with than the adolescent drama of high school, but his sophomore year is proving to be particularly challenging. It doesn't help that he seems to be completely clueless as to what he wants to do with his life.

He's so zoned out that he doesn't notice the slightly taller, blonde haired male that sits across from him at his usual table. It isn't until the said blonde waves his pale hand in front of Jimin's face that he receives any sort of acknowledgement from Jimin.

Jimin darts his eyes up and makes eye contact with the older, but quickly looks back down at his IPod, clearly unwilling to pay much attention to the other. The older tried calling the younger, brunette's name a few times without being too loud for the library, but figured his volume on the device must be too high for him to even hear it. Eventually, he's had enough of Jimin's game and reaches his hand forward to yank the earbuds right out of the younger's ears.

"Min Yoongi!" Jimin screeched, incredibly annoyed that Yoongi had just forced him to ditch his world of bliss.

"Park Jimin!" Yoongi mocked with a smirk.

Jimin just rolled his eyes and before he could put the earbuds back in, Yoongi childishly pleaded, "Please stop ignoring your hyung! So disrespectful!" He started to pout ridiculously, "I want to talk to you!"

Jimin knows the older's immature ways all to well. Although Yoongi tends to be a serious person around most people, and a little intimidating, he can be a totally different person around Jimin, the REAL him.

Yoongi is a goofball at heart, but he's also dramatic and a little selfish at times.

They have been best friends since they were babies, so Jimin knows the blonde's tactic all to well. He will whine and beg until Jimin gives in and gives him what he wants, and Jimin ALWAYS caves.

He can recall a time when they were five and Jimin wanted to play house, but Yoongi insisted that they play superheros. Although Jimin had already planned the perfect scenario of Yoongi playing the dad and himself as the mom, Yoongi threw a tantrum until the younger gave in, resulting in Jimin begrudgingly playing as Robin and Yoongi as Batman. Jimin never got to play Batman.

There was also a time in their first year of high school when Yoongi wanted to be juvenile and skip class to go to a cafe nearby. Of course Jimin immediately rejected the idea, but ultimately, after all of Yoongi's pestering, followed anyway, which later landed the two in detention and in a lot of trouble with their parents.

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