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Jimin sat at their cafeteria table barely touching his food

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Jimin sat at their cafeteria table barely touching his food. He'd pick up his chopsticks and attempt to eat a piece of tofu, but ultimately dropped it back in his tray. He genuinely wasn't hungry after what happened earlier. He'd look up every few seconds toward the double doors in hopes of a certain blonde to make an appearance with his B-cup whore strapped to his side, but was disappointed every time.

Taehyung was quick to notice the smaller still stuck in the same negative mood and was tired of looking at it. Quite frankly, it was getting old.

"You know Chim, you're cute, but you make pouting look ugly" he spat with a mouthfull of rice, drawing the attention of the rest of the table members. Jin instantly perked up at the mention of Jimin's name, shot Taehyung a glare, and scooted closer to the younger, wrapping his arm around his waist protectively.

"Jimin, what's got you so upset that you're not eating your food?" the older asked. He knew something must be wrong for Jimin to not eat.

"Chimin, before you get your tears all over your food, can I have it?" Tae asked with a devious grin. His comment earned a glare from the other two, and a bowl full of rice being shoved at him by the now pissed off Jimin.

Jin turned his attention back to the smaller male, tightening his grip protectively. "Jiminie, ignore our idiot friend, but honestly, you are too pretty to be so sad. Now tell hyung what's going on."

"Why don't you tell me I'm pretty when I'm upset?" one of the other friends spoke up.

"Well Hobi, you're not Jimin, and I'd have to find you pretty to say that." Jin said smuggly, with a smirk. Jimin finds Jin's comeback hilarious and falls into the older's chest in a laughing fit, covering his mouth adorably. The broad shouldered senior's face turns crimson at the younger's actions, but it thankfully goes unnoticed by everyone else at their table. Hoseok, on the other hand, rolls his eyes at his hyung's comment.

Taehyung jumps to his feet in amusement and shoves his pointer finger in Hoseok's face, shouting "BURN!", which causes the table to erupt in more laughter. Even the always quiet Jungkook snickers at his boyfriend's enthusiasm. Noticing his boyfriend's reaction, Taehyung grows more ecstatic. "You laughed! Was I funny Kookie? Aren't you proud!?" he shrieks, jumping up and down.

Jungkook hides his face in Taehyung's side, laughing even harder in embarrassment. "You're making people stare!" he whined, glancing around the lunchroom at other tables, attempting to pull his loud boyfriend back into his seat.

Taehyung smirks suggestively down at the younger and whispers, "I can give them something to stare at," He wiggles his eyebrows.

Before Jungkook has a chance to stop him, the older turns to face him, grabbing him by the nape of the neck, and slams their lips together in a deep kiss, causing Jungkook's eyes to widen in shock.

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