Chapter 22

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3 days later

Caroline was amazing, so she was able to coordinate a funeral faster than most. Being heartbroken was hard enough for some people, but she was great at multitasking. She made all of the arrangements. Called all the people that needed to be there. Anyone that had ever known her, or met her was there.

Including Klaus and his family. Rebecca, Elijah and Kol. When Elena knocked out Dean, she had made a call. To Caroline. She then expressed her wishes, in the event that they weren't able to bring her back.

Dean and Sam were invited, and showed up for a moment. They had something around there to do. She wanted a closed casket, and lots of flowers. Between Caroline, Jeremy. Bonnie, Alaric and Matt, everyone had something wonderful to say about her.

There were sunflowers all over and roses...

Many things were exactly how she wanted them. And now everyone knew that she had died. Although no one knew she no longer had the  cure, so Sam was safe. The people that knew, would never tell another soul. Even if others found out, he can protect himself.

Sam and Dean sat outside the church, leaning against baby. Drinking some beers, and reminiscing about their lives together, and how grateful they both were to Elena for sacraficing her life for Dean's brother.

"How much longer will this funeral last do you think?"

"I'm not sure. There's alot of people in there saying their goodbyes. That's what she wanted."

"She needed this. Her time here needs to be over Sam. It's what was best. She had the cure, and never would have been safe."

"I know Dean. I know."

That's when the funeral was over, and people started leaving. They were all headed back to Caroline's house. Sam and Dean were waiting for it to be over.

"Man I hate funerals. We've lost so many people in our life. I really hate these things. Why did she have to do this again?"

"Because she needed to say goodbye."

3 days ago

Dean had just woke up, and saw Elena on the floor, as Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy came running in.

"Dean, theres something you need to know. Elena called me a few minutes ago. She told me to get here, and bring whatever I could for a blood transfusion. So, here we are. There's just one problem...

If it works, she wants to disappear and never return. Since she had the cure in her, I can't turn her, or heal her. Her body will reject it so we are going to try to keep her alive."

After Bonnie was able to get the iv in her, and the blood to flow back in, with Jeremy's constant compressions, they were able to stabilize her. She had lost alot of blood, but they revived her. That's all they wanted. Even if they never saw her again, atleast they would know she was alive. It's better than nothing.

Back to the funeral

"Well, she is getting alot of good byes. And only the people that are true to her know the truth about her."

Once everyone left, Bonnie came out and told Sam and Dean to come in. They all walked up to the casket, and opened it to find a very pale Elena. Still not really ok yet, she needed atleast a week of sleep. But she was there. In case anyone wanted to peek for proof. Bonnie had placed a spell on her so you can't hear her heart beating. She could still hear everyone else. She got to hear all the heartfelt goodbyes. And Klaus would think she died, and the cure died with her, and he wouldn't be chasing her to turn her into his human blood bag for his hybrids.

A dead body couldn't hold it, so the cure was useless in a dead body.

"Ok Elena. Everyone's gone. You ready?"

Elena's eyes fluttered open and she began to sit up. Making a hurt face cause her body was in pain.

"Ok guys. It's now or never."

She smiled, as she looked upon the faces of her family. All the people she has loved her entire life. They would still talk over the phone, but they would have to be the ones to come see her. That's how it eventually worked out. She would have a new identity with Sam and Dean, and be a hunter.

She hugged all of them, and even Stefan was there to see her off. Tears of joy and sadness were there as she said farewell to everyone, so she could start her new life.

The Impala was parked out back, so no one would see her get in.

"So, Elena. How's it feel to be part of the we're legally dead group?"

"I don't know Sam, could we have some tshirts made up or something?"

They all laughed, as Dean grabbed her hand and helped her to the front seat.

"Elena, I bestow unto you... lifetime shotgun in baby."

"Wow! Dean! I'm honored!"

"Dude!" Sam said, clearly flustered.

"What! She is the lady of the house now. She gets the lifetime spot. And she saved your life."

"Thank you Elena. By the way. Since I couldn't tell you earlier. You literally saved me, and I wouldn't be here without you."

"Yes Elena. We both thank you. And love you."

"Dean! Did you just say I love you?"

"Yes, Elena. I love you. Ok? I LOVE YOU!"

Elena laughed.

"I want to be Elena Winchester. Since I can't use my last name anymore since I'm for all intents and purposes, dead... there hasn't been an Elena Winchester before. Right?"

"No, Elena. There's definately never been an Elena in our family. My mother would have loved you."

A tear slid from her eyes, as she sat forward. Watching the horizon, excited for where it was leading.

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