Chapter 6

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"Ya, I know Caroline. I'm sorry I haven't called... I've just been super busy. I got a job, and it's really nice. It's a bar and grill. You'd like it."

She couldn't tell her that she was a bartender in the shady part of town. It got lots of business, and she could help the werewolves steer clear of the law. Since they weren't doing anything wrong. She could give them a heads up when people came asking questions.

"Well, please call more often. Stefan and I worry about you. So do Jeremy and Bonnie."

She paused for a moment.

"Did you know he proposed?'

"What! When?"

"A few days ago. On new years eve."

Well that's original.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize Christmas had even passed. But I gotta go. I only had a minute. I'll call again soon."

"Love you El!"

"I love you guys too, Care."

She hung up, and ran back inside. Running to the bar to take some orders and take down her back in 5 minutes sign.

"What will it be?"

She said to the man at the counter, as she twists a cup in her hand with a towel to dry it off and put away.

"Two whiskey sours and a bloody Mary. Extra bloody."

"You got it."

She was also known for having some spare blood in back for vamps that didn't want to feed from humans.

He tapped the counter and went to his seat, as she started making his drinks.

She heard the jukebox in the back ground start playing Hells Bells by AcDc, and she really got into the mixing of the drinks. Even danced to the table as she served them.

As the little bell above the door rang, she knew she had more customers. Looking over, she hadn't seen their faces.

"Good music."

She heard from one of them.

He tapped the bar, and she turned around.

"What'll it be?"

"I'll have..."

And they locked eyes.

"Figures you'd work a bar at night."

"It's not what you think Dean."

"Sure it's not. Let's just see for ourselves. Shall we?"

As he jumped over the counter, he went to tackle her, but she threw him down the aisle.

"Not a vamp. Huh... sure can throw like one. You wanna try that again?"

They squared off from opposite sides of the room, crouching down toward eachother.

"Damn straight I do."

As they ran at eachother, she was caught from behind just as Sam slapped some spelled cuffs on her wrists.

"What the hell Sam. Seriously?"

"Look Elena, I hear what your saying. But I don't... we don't believe you."

Just as he said that, she felt a pain in the back of her head, and everything went black.

When she woke up, she was tied to a chair.

"Good. The blood sucker is awake! You ready to talk yet crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, and I'm not a vamp."

"The only way to cure a vampire, is to drink the leaders blood, before you kill anyone. Last we saw you, you had killed alot of people. You were cold as ice, and no matter what we did we couldn't break you. Not til your little vamp friends came to break you out. Never found you again after that."

"I'm not a vampire!!! Watch. Put blood in front of me. I won't make a funny face, nothing. I'm telling you, I took a cure, now I'm human."

"Sure you are sweetheart."

Dean said.

"I can prove it. My kind burn in the sun. I walk in the sun just fine. Open the window."

"And let your ring keep you safe? No. Take it off."



"Yes, really."

She pulled it off her finger behind her, and she heard it hit the floor.

"Open. The. Window."

They opened the window and let the sun shine on her.

"This just isn't possible. How?"

"How bout you get me out of these cuffs, go back to my bar and I'll tell you all about it? Drinks are on me. But... Without the guns and machetes."

They stare for a moment, then just nod at eachother.

"This better be good."

"Oh, it will be."

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