Chapter 13

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Elena had woke up mid way through the night. Unsure what to do, she only knew she couldn't sleep. She scooted off the bed, trying not to wake Dean.

"Hey there." Dean said, as she sat down on her chair, grabbing her remote to watch the TV.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine. I'd rather be up anyways. You ok?"

He walked over to her, and pushed some of her hair behind her ears since it was all falling in her face from the ponytail she must have just taken down.

"Not really, but I'll live."

He moved to stand beside her chair, and she leaned onto his side, as he cupped her face and held her. She wrapped her arms around his legs, and squeezed them tight.


She stood up and went in front of him.

"How do you feel about me?"

This line of questioning made him nervous and he began to take a step back from her, until he looked into her eyes.

He stared into her beautiful brown eyes for a moment, then he dipped his head in to kiss her. She closed her eyes and fell into him. He wrapped his arms around her, putting everything he felt into the kiss. Into her. He did feel something for her, but what? When they loved something it usually got taken from them. And not nicely either.
But tonight... tonight, she wasn't going anywhere. She was all his. He didn't know what tomorrow would bring, or the day after that but he had right now. This moment.

He had her.

She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her to him for as long as he could. He kissed her for a long time. Not hard and rough like before, but soft. Sweet. Sensual. He felt her resolve shattering in this kiss and he knew she felt the same as he did. He picked her up wedding style and carried her back to her bed as he laid over her, kissing tiny trails all over her body.

Slowly, he pulls off her shirt, then does the same with his own, never once did either break eye contact. Gliding his fingertips over her chest and belly area, he smiled at her, and she blushed, and covered her face for a moment. Giggling.

"Dean." She pleaded as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back. Dean smirked at how he could twist her face into different positions just by touching her. He watched her body move as he moved above her, causing her to squirm and almost vibrate beneath him.

Scratching his back seemed to be his sweet spot. That and nibbling on his earlobe. Tracing his back with her fingertips, she screamed his name as he arched his back and they both became limp, melting into eachother.

Resting for a moment, they looked into each others eyes, as he began stroking her sides, and kissing her neck.

"Round two?"


She nodded while biting her bottom lip. She grabbed his face and pulled it back to hers, she giggled a little, as he smiled. In this moment, he had never truly been happier.

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