Chapter 2

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Getting to the salon was a nightmare. Caroline spent most of the time threatening the people on the road in front of her to move so she wasn't late, and Bonnie spent the whole time gripping the bar above the door holding on for dear life. Caroline was a horrible driver. And crazy when she was on a schedule. Good luck to anyone that got in her way.

"We're here! Single file please."

They walked in and Caroline seated them in their already designated seats as the person they were assigned to did their hair.

Caroline had long beautiful blonde hair and she had it up in tight curls, with sunflowers in it and half of it cascading over her shoulders.

Bonnie's had been recurled, with more bounce and it was shiny.

Elena ended up getting the easy job. Her hair was easy to work with and it was just curled and laid on her shoulders.

Getting to the Lockwood house that now belonged to Matt, they had it in her back yard.

"Places everyone! Places!"

Caroline yelled as Bonnie leaned over to Elena and whispered

"Only Carolone could be her own wedding coordinator."

They both laughed, as they began to walk down the aisle.

Elena walked with Matt, and Bonnie walked with Jeremy. As Elena saw Stefan at the end of the aisle, she smiled and remembered how good he looked in a suit.

The wedding was beautiful, and she was so happy for her two best friends, and as the night neared she knew it was time to tell them.

"Ok, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan."

She turned to face each of them.

"I'm leaving in the morning. I'm going on a road trip. Matt and Jeremy already know, but I lost myself and I need to find the old Elena. So... I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll be letting Jeremy know how things are going."

Everyone turned to face Elena. Sad but with understanding looks.

"We understand Elena. Just be safe. Ok? And keep in contact with all of us. Ok?"

Elena smiled and nodded.

As the night ended, she grabbed her bags and set them by the door, so they would be ready for the morning. She sighed as she sat at the table with Matt and Jeremy. Looking over at Matt, he pulled the whiskey from the garbage, and pulled out 3 glasses. Pouring a significant amount into each.

"A toast. To Elena. May you travel safe, and drive safe. And may she remember how much we all love her and will miss her when she is gone. Come home soon. Ok Elena?"

She nodded as a tear fell down her cheek. Each taking their shots, and drinking til the bottle was gone.

She woke up the next morning with less of a hangover than normal, as she grabbed her bags and headed out to Damon's old car she popped the trunk and put in her bags, and as she shut it, Alaric pulled up.

"And you weren't even going to say good bye to me?"

"You know I love you Ric. It just seemed hard."

"You know I lost him too. Right? Just be safe."

She nodded and he kissed her forehead. Then she got in her car and drove off to discover the world around her, like she always wanted to do.

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