Chapter 3

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Her first few weeks on the road weren't too bad, she left the state right away, went to Missouri, then Mississippi, then decided to stay a few weeks in Kansas.

Kansas was a pretty Barren area, so she continued to drive until she was tired. Driving into another boring town she passes a sign that says

"Welcome to Lawrence Kansas The Sunflower State"

Her favorite flower. It must be meant to be. She thought to herself.

Pulling into the nearest motel, the Jayhawk motel, she noticed only one car in the parking lot. A beautiful black Chevy Impala. She felt a little bit of a deja vu, but decided it was best to leave it alone.

"Hello, I'd like a room please."

"How many adults?"

"Just me."

"ID please."

She hands it to the man. She noticed when she did, that he was kinda creepy looking. He kept staring at her. He had a scruffy beard and glasses and definately hadn't showered in at least a week.

"Room 102. Enjoy your stay."

He said as he winked at her.

Walking to her room, she saw a beautiful blond man, leaning over getting ice from the ice machine.

"Oh, come on!"

He yelled as he hit the side of it. Over and over again.

"Everything ok?"

Elena said, coming up beside him.

"Ya. Peachy."

He looked over at her and did a double take.

Holding out her hand, she introduced herself. She hadn't talked to anyone in weeks.

"Hi. I'm Elena."

He looked at her hand, then looked back to the machine and continued hitting it again. Til Elena decided to walk to her room.


She said, a little louder than she needed to.

"Excuse me?"

He said, as he grabbed his empty ice bucket and stomped over into her direction.

"I'm sorry, I should have said that before I turned around. I called you a dick."

And she turned around and headed back in the direction of her room.

Getting in her room, she noticed the big wagon wheels on the wall.

"Oregon trail theme. Nice."

She lays down her bags and decided to take a shower before she unpacked her books and diary.

Dear diary,

I have been driving for days since I last wrote. Sorry. I decided to stop at this hotel that looked nice from the road, but is creepy as hell from inside. The guy at the counter really creeped me out. Then there was this guy at the ice machine and he was a dick. But hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Lately I find myself driving for days, not stopping til I'm about to pass out. I don't want to have my nightmares anymore. I just wish... I wish... I guess I don't really know anymore. I just want more.

Closing her diary, she rolls over, turns off the light and goes to sleep.

Hours later she hears a noise in her room. She turns on the light, and she listens for a moment. She just assumes it's noisy neighbors, and pulls her covers up to her neck. It had suddenly begun to get really cold. Shivering, she tries to go back to sleep.

Suddenly, she hears a noise, and she jumps up in her bed.

"Who's there ?"

She looks around the room, and nothing. She just thinks it's the remnants of another dream.

Then she hears it again.

It echoes as she hears a crash near her head and she moves out of the way. She runs to the bathroom and turns on the light, just in time to see the creepy motel guy from the desk. She starts screaming, as he comes up close to her, grabbing her shoulders and baring his teeth. He must be a vampire, but not one she's ever seen before. She wasn't a vampire anymore, so she didn't have the strength of one to push him away. But she did have a little added boost. Thanks to Bonnie. She shoved him, but he was still stronger and she was still a little out of it since she was just sleeping a few moments ago.

"Help! Somebody help me! Please!!!"

She screamed again, just in time to see 2 men break down the door and come in. One with a shotgun, and one had a machete in his hand. As soon as they saw him, he dropped her. She crawled herself into the bathroom and closed the door. Locking it behind her.

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