Chapter 18

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Elena looked so peaceful. The drive was 22 hours, give or take a little. They drove straight through. Not wanting to take any chances.

Since she had slept the entire way there, she wasn't tired at all. So, after they helped her bring all of her stuff in the bunker, they both gave her a tour, then told her she could go ahead and make herself at home and go look around for a bit. Dean wanted to take a nap anyways. Driving 22 hours, really can take alot out of you.

The next day

"Good morning boys!"

Elena was almost sparkling with happiness, as she flipped their pancakes.

"You're just in time! I made eggs, pancakes, bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice. I hope you don't mind. I noticed your cupboards looked pretty bare so I went to the store and got a few things."

She brought them each over a plate.

"Sam, I know you like eating healthy but I wasn't sure what you liked which is why I made fresh orange juice. I wasn't sure what else to do."

"This should be fine. I eat normal sometimes. Thank you."

He smiled, as Elena looked over at Dean who was currently shoveling his food into his mouth, and with a mouth full of food, and a smile with bacon hanging from his mouth Elena got a thumbs up and a nod.

Afterward, Elena wanted to go for a run and apparently Sam goes running as well.

He showed her the safe routes, and how to look out for any dangers in the area. Since they weren't the only ones that knew about the bunker.

Getting back, she noticed Dean wasn't around, but he had left a note.

"Cas needed me for something. Be back later.


Was all it read.

"Well that sounds ominous."

Sam said as he read it out loud.

But that was fine because it gave her some time to get to know Sam.

"What's going on Cas. We could have talked at the bunker. Why make me meet you somewhere else?"

"It's about Elena. Your girlfriend?"

"Whoa, whoa! Hold on there. I did not label anything. She isn't my girlfriend. We are just friends. Friends that... well... I don't know what. But don't say that. I don't do 'relationships' Cas. What do you want, and why does it have to do with Elena?"

"Dean, her fate was sealed a long time ago. She isn't supposed to be alive. I think it's dangerous for you to keep her around you. Fate will continue to pull her down, and until balanced has been restored, I don't think she should be staying at the bunker."

"Um, Cas... I think it will be fine. She will be fine. I don't know what your really saying either."

"She was supposed to die many years ago. She DID die. I'm confused. Are you sure she isn't a shape shifter?"

"Yes Cas. I'm sure. Just chill out about Elena. Ok? Wait, how did she die?"

"She was the passenger of a pickup truck that went over the edge of a bridge. She drowned, and came back as a vampire. She took a cure, and now that is the reason you and Sam are in danger. People will be looking for her to kill her and take the cure from her. It's a dangerous thing for her to have."

"Well they can't have her. We already out ran Klaus, I think she will be fine, Cas."

"But Dean..."

"No, Cas. We're done here."

He said as he left and went back to the bunker. He couldn't lose her. Maybe they should keep her in doors until they knew what they could do to better keep her safe.

Hours later

"So Dean, what was all that about with Cas?"

"Elena, did you know that you were in danger of people finding you and trying to kill you?"

"Well yes, but that's why I told you everything before. I told you that too. That's why I have this ring to keep me strong."

She held up her hand.

"Well, Cas seems to know something we don't so I need you to stay in the bunker for a while til Sam and I can find a way to better keep you safe."

"But Dean, I..."

"No but's Elena. I won't lose you."

"You won't."

"No offense Elena, but we always lose the ones we love and I won't lose you too."

"You won't lose me Dean. I promise... wait, did you just say you love me?"

Uh oh...

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