Chapter 5

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She didn't see any cars behind her, but it didn't mean that they couldn't catch up. They did have a nice fast car. She just figured hers was faster.

She knew she wasn't that person anymore. Hell! She wasn't even a vampire anymore. But how could she explain that to them? They were hunters and she was the one that got away. They would be looking for her now.

"Great. Just great."

She said as she smacked the steering wheel.

"I knew I shouldn't have stopped."

But she had to stop then. She was falling asleep, and couldn't stay awake. She wanted to know more about these vampires she saw. What were they?

Where did they come from?

Did they have the same weaknesses as the ones she knew?

After driving a few hours she stopped so she could try to sleep for the night.

Pulling up her computer, she decided to look up "animal attacks" on her computer, so she could do some research on them. It seemed like the universal code for vampire bite so she figured she would start there.

She looked up animal attacks in Lawrence Kansas and quite a few things came up. And by quite a few, she means more than just vampires. There were ghosts, mysterious fires, vampires, and a few other things.

So, naturally... instead of sleeping, she stayed up all night reading up on these things. Learning all that she could.

Hearing a knock on her hotel door, woke her up and she realized she had fallen asleep on her keyboard at the table.

"Are you going to check out miss?"

"Um... I'll be to the front desk in a minute. I think I'll stay another night."

"Ok. In the future can you say something ahead of time?"

"Ya. Sure."

She jumps up, grabbed her wallet quick and runs out of her room to the office.

"One more night please?"

She said as she hands the lady her card, grateful she isn't some creepy old man.
She was liking the hotel already.

She knew she needed to stay low for a while so she decided to stay a bit.  Paying for the room day by day. Never knowing if she'd have to leave in the middle of the night again.

She looked down at her hands. They were so small, but very strong. The past year or so since she became human again, she began working out. Alot. She knew others would come for the cure to take it from her and she wouldn't let them have it.

However, in her human state, she had the strength of a mouse, so she talked Bonnie into enchanting her daylight ring to give her strength. So the ring wasn't wasted. She could fight off any attacker since the strength she gave the ring, was that of a vampire hunter. She duplicated the spell placed on the Hunters. Like Jeremy. Placing it in the ring, not changing Elena at all. It only gave her the ability to protect herself, should the need arise.

And it did.

For weeks she had been looking into crimes, and animal attacks. She bought herself a police scanner so she can hear everything that happens in the area. She even had some old friends in Mystic Falls get her a badge from the actual FBI. She was sick of going to crime scenes and people refusing to talk to her. She didn't use it much. Only in case of emergencies. Most of the time she went dressed as a reporter. That worked sometimes but it didn't get her the details she needed.

She read everything she could. Looked up everything on the internet. If it wasn't possible, she would study it. She was smart so she used her brain.

After a few months, she had traveled to alot of the United States, and finally, began to realize that she was going to need a real job soon. Her parents money wasn't going to last her forever and she refused to borrow money from Stefan and Caroline or her brother.

She found a nice beach house on the outskirts of Tampa Florida. Near some werewolves, but they seemed friendly and she didn't have any issues with them because they usually chain themselves up on a full moon. She had met them, cause she got a job as a bartender and they would come in every night, but no one caused any trouble.

Not until they walked into the bar.

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