Looking At You

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Anabelle pov.

"Did you miss me Jasper?"

Then I sat up and Japser puts his forehead on mine. We just look into eachother eyes. Then we separate and I stand on my own two feet. I held Jasper hand as I looked in the mirror. My hair was black and wavy and long and split in the middle. My hair actually looks really good like that. My eyes were red as fire and looks like blood. I looked healthy and happy. I turn around to Jasper and he kisses my head.

"Come, you need to hunt."

Then I realize a burning was in my throat.

He jumps out the window and waits for me by the trees. I jump down and go over to him. Then Japser takes off and I run after him. Noticing that Jasper stops in the middle of a field in front of me, I do the same and in seconds I am standing in front of him.

Then that was when I smelled something sweet and I can feel my instincts taking over. Jasper keeps his hands firm around my waist and whispers words in my ears telling me to stay calm and focused. I stay put not wanting to lose control. Eventually after a minute or two I stop and calm down.

Then Jasper teaches me how to hunt and control my thirst. We spend some time together here in the woods hunting and talking. He told me everything that I missed as I was turning into a vampire. Jasper has just finished feeding on a rabbit and I walk over to him and pin him to the ground. He raises his hand and caress my cheek while his other hand rest on my hip. I lean my head down and I kiss Jasper. He immediately starts to kiss me back. Then Japser phone starts going off. He stops kissing me and looks at the caller I.D. and sighs heavily. I grab the phone and sees that it is Carlisle. Then I crush the phone in my hand, place it in the grass and kiss Jasper once again. Japser kisses me back and flips us over.
"Mine!" Jasper kept growling that one word over and over again.

We finshed making out and it was starting to get dark outside. Then we start walking back hand in hand. The minute we walked inside I was tackled with a hug. I hugged Rosalie back and when she lets go she scolds us for not answering the phone and ignoring the call. We both just smile at her and I stand closer to Jasper as he wraps one arm around my waist. Rosalie smiles at us and goes up the stairs. We follow her and I was greeted by everyone and for the rest of the night we all talked. Then the talk came up about the move.

"Jasper, I am coming with you."

"Well of course darlin. I also have a surprise for you." Jasper tells me in his southern accent.
I look at him curiously and shocked. Really, what is it?

"Edward, Emmett and I will be going off on our own and settle into one of the houses on one of our islands." Rosalie said

Islands?! How many islands?!

Then that was when Edward started laughing.

"Vampires doesn't shock you but owning many islands do?" Edward asked me laughing

I shrug my shoulders and start laughing with him.

"Wow, she hasn't lost control and is completely calm." Emmett exclaimed

"Yeah, it isn't too difficult."

We all smile at eachother.

"Esme and I will be going to the Denali clan to check on things and then we will meet with everyone else at the island.  Edward the divorce papers are ready and since you already signed them you are done.  After Bella signs them you two will be  officially divorced.  No questions asked." Carlsile explained and Edward nodded his head with a small smile on his face.

We all nodded our heads knowing that this was the last time we would ever see Forks, Washington. Well, except for Jasper ,Edward and I but we decided to just not come back unless we have to or need to.  I told my dad and mom of my plans the way of my graduation. They know about vampire and supernatural. Mom just found out how her husband is a werewolf and she is his mate. She accepted him and everything that comes with it.  Dad is just happy that I found happiness and told me that he loves me always.  I told him that I love him to and I'm glad that he found happiness with Sue.

Well, I am ready and with Jasper by my side, I won't look back.

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