What am I thinking, let alone feeling?

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At the Cullen house:
*Edward hangs up the phone and goes into the livingroom*
*Renesmee is sitting next to Jacob Black*
*Carlisle and Esme are playing chess*
*Rosalie and Emmett are sitting on the love seat*
*Jasper and Alice are no where to be seen*
*Bella is looking out the window*
*Edward walks over to Bella*
Edward- What is it love?
Bella- I don't know...I just have this feeling that something big is about to happen
Edward thoughts ( It has been two years since the confrontation with the vultori, what else could be bothering her?)
Edward- I called Charlie
*Bella turns and looks at her husband*
Bella- And?
Edward- He has someone very important comong over and wants to be alone
Bella- But Renesmee is excited about seeing him especially since it is her second birthday and she looks eighteen!
Edward- I know love but he seemed serious
Bella- Serious?! Charlie is hardly serious unless it is family.
Bella thoughts (Renesmee really wants this day to be special and so do I)
Bella- How about I talk to him
Edward- What is so important about Renesmee's birthday this year than last year?
*Bella nods her at Jacob and Renesmee*
Edward- I know I told him that I was glad that she had him but seriously now!
*Everyone looks at Edward like he just lost his mind*
Esme- Is everything alright Edward?
Edward- Yes , I just had a reality check.
Jacob- I am going to go and visit my dad, I'll be back later.
Renesmee- But why can't you do that tomorrow?
Jacob- Because he is my dad and I miss him.
Renesmee- Jakey, please don't go.
*Everyone looks at Jacob*
Jacob- Talk to you later
*Jacob walks out the house*
*Bella walks over and sits next to Renesmee*
Bella- What was that about?
Renesmee- I don't know but he has been distant ever since I started looking eighteen
Bella- I'm sure that the pack is just stressing him out
Renesmee- But how? There haven't been any threats the past two years , so why now?!
Edward- Don't worry, I read his thoughts, he is just miss seeing his dad
Renesmee- Really?
(Edward nods his head yes)
Renesmee- Okay

In the woods:
*Jacob is running in his wolf form then phases back to human then he got dressed and just sat there with his hands on his head*
*Leah runs by on her way to the Cullen house and sees Jacob sitting down on the ground*
*Leah walks over to Jacob and puts her hand on his shoulder*
Leah- What are you doing?
Jacob- Hey, Leah.
Leah- You didn't answer my question
Jacob- Do I have to?
Leah- Not unless you want me to get suspicious
(Jacob laughs and grins)
Jacob- Yeah, I wouldn't want that.
(Jacob faces Leah)
Leah- Good, now tell me what's going on.
Jacob- It's Renesmee
Leah- Don't tell me she rejected you!
Jacob- No worse
Leah- How can it be worse than that?!
Jacob- I don't feel the same way
(Leah looks at Jacob like he has grown two heads)
Leah- Say again
Jacob- I don't feel the same way
Leah- I think it is time to go and talk to Billy
*Both Jacob and Leah phase and runs to the reservation*

At Billy's house:
Billy- The last time I saw you, you would latch yourself onto Jacob like your life depended on it.
Anabelle- You and my dad are so embarrasing
(Billy laughs)
Billy-Well, welcome back
Anabelle- Thanks it is good to be back
Billy- How are you holding up?
Anabelle thoughts ( Why does everyone keep asking me that?! I am fine!)
Billy- Anabelle...ANABELLE!
Anabelle- Huh...what?
Billy- What was that...you just spaced out like you weren't even here.
Anabelle- I am fine...Just coming back here isn't so great.
Billy- Well, the others will be here soon and there will be a bonfire tonight so I think it will be a great chance to see everyone
Anabelle thoughts ( What?! Everyone?! Like Emily and Sam and the rest of them?! Please don't!!!)
Billy thoughts ( What is she thinking?)
Anabelle- Thanks but I don't want to stay out too late especially when I just got here
Billy- Of course but are you sure?
Anabelle-Yeah, why?
Billy- Well, it's just that when you were younger you loved hearing the stories about the protectors and the wolves
(Anabelle grins remembering those stories)
Anabelle- Yeah, so I should get going...Thanks Billy it was nice to see you again.
Billy- Anytime and do you want me to say hi to anyone for you?
*Anabelle walks out the door and into the car and drives away*
Billy- I still ship them, there's no doubt about it.
*Jacob and Leah walk through the door*
Jacob- What was Charlie doing here?
Billy- It wasn't Charlie
Jacob- Then who was it?
(Billy looks at Leah and nods his head)
(Leah gasps)
Leah- What?!
Billy- Looking for you and Seth
Leah- Jake do you think that you can handle this conversation alone?
Jacob- What? Why? Who was that?
Leah- Answer my auestion!
Jacob- Yeah, I can.
Leah- Okay I hope you figure things out
Jacob- Wait, what?
*Leah runs out of the house and after Charlie's car*
Billy- Son, you wanted to talk?
Jacob- Are you going to explain what is happening? Leah never acts like that.
Billy- Um, it's complicated
Jacob- More complicated than turning into huge wolves that attack vampires and imprint on their soulmates
(Billy laughs)
Billy- Yeah, son more complicated than that
Jacob- Why won't you tell me?
Billy- Because it isn't my place
Jacob- Then will you answer my other question then?
Billy- It depends
Jacob- You know how Renesmee is full grown
(Billy nods his head)
Jacob- Well...I don't feel like I should towards her.
Billy- What do you mean Jacob?
Jacob- I mean I just see her as a sister especially when I'm reality she is only two years old
Billy- You don't feel romantic towards her?
Jacob- Nope
Billy- Then I think that is all its going to be but I could be wrong
Jacob thoughts (I hope not)

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