We are one pack, together we stand.

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Leah pov.
"Did you drop off the package?" Asked Sam

I sat on the couch because Jacob and Sam had called me and Paul here.

"Yeah and you wouldn't believe what was in it?" 

"Really, what was in it?" Asked Sam

"Alice Cullen, torn limb from limb."

Sam had a look of shock on his face then that is when Paul and Jacob had entered the house.

"Say that again?"  Jacob asked with his mouth wide open

"Alice Cullen was in the package turn limb from limb and to top it off it was Jasper."

"What? Why?" Emily had asked just started walking in and just as shocked as the rest of us.

"Alice had attempted to hurt Anabelle, while Anabelle was in her own room."

"I want them gone!" Yelled Jacob

He didn't know who she was, just that we all cared about her and if I care about someone, they are good people in Jake's book.

I do the same thing for him except for Bella, she drove me nuts. 

"Jasper and Edward saved her."

"Edward?" Asked Paul who is really confused about the situation

"Yeah, he hangs around Jasper and Anabelle lately.  She said that he is like a big brother she never had."

"What about that "I'm Switzerland chick" ?"  Asked Paul

We all started laughing.  We don't know why but we all loved how she said that.

Yeah, right.  She chooses sides faster than any other person I have ever met.

I've only had a few conversations with her and they weren't really conversations.  I just bashed at her about Jacob.

"Edward is not talking to Bella because she lied about a lot of things including the one about her being a virgin."

There were gasps and as I look around Sam and Emily looked at eachother like they saw two heads, Paul was grinning already making remarks and Jacob looked disgusted.

"And she had a baby but gave it up for adoption."

"Anything else?"  Jacob asked curiously

"The council called for a meeting about the incident and why did you and Sam call us here?"

Sam and Jacob looked at eachother and smiled.

"We are combining the packs."  Sam said

"Yes!  Come on Leah, let's celebrate!" Yelled Paul who ran out the door and phased

I ran out laughing and joined him.  I can phase but I always have to have two pack members with me.  Phasing is better now, it is painful but better than last time.

I phased and I see Paul and we roll around on the ground.

Then Jacob, Sam and Emily came outside laughing.

I was on my back but then I look at Emily who is sitting on the steps smiling at us.

She doesn't fully feel comfortable with us phased around her but she is getting better.  Before she wouldn't even come outside, she just looked through the window.
Now, she comes outside to see us phased.

The day I forgave Sam was the day that I had a talk with Emily.

We were outisde.
I told her not to freak out and she looked confused but then I went behind the tree and phased.  I came out and see that she was frozen with fear.  So I just kept a good distance and rolled around on the ground.  And pretty soon I got stuck on my back and just wiggled on the grass.

Emily was laughing when she realized I was stuck.  She called for Sam and he saw that I was stuck on my back.  Then i finally got back on my side.

They both looked at me.

Sam was a nervous wreck, he wasn't sure how Emily would react.  I just walked over to Emily and layed down in front of her.  Of course she ran behind Sam.

I came a little clsoer and put my head down on the ground and started whining.  She had a sad look in her eyes.  I was about to get up and phase back but then I felt a small hand on my head, I looked up and saw Emily with concern in her eyes.  She thought I was hurt.

I licked her hand a little and let her pet me some more.

Everyone from the both packs and the council came outside and saw Emily petting me.

They all looked at us with confidence, admiration and had proud looks in their eyes even the other imprints were there an started tearing up saying that was the sweetest thing they have ever seen.

I then bent down and nodded my head towards my back but Emily looked confused.

I looked at Sam and gave him the same signal he looked confused for a second but then realized what I meant.  He told her and she was nodding her head excitedly yes.

Sam had helped her on my back and I walked around the yard with Emily on my back.  She was laughing and saying how I was magnificent.

If I could talk in my wolf form. 
I would have to her that she was extraordinary.

Of course after I phased back I told her that and she said thank you and gave me a hug.  Immediately I hugged her back. 
"I forgive you ." I told that to both Sam and Emily and we joined in on a group hug.

Then everyone just sat outside and talked.  I was talking with Emily and the other imprints.  I was holding Claire on my lap.
She asked if one day I would let her ride on my back.  I said yes.

I stopped thinking in my wolf form and walked over to Emily.  I sat down and she started petting my head.

"My my Leah, you are a big softie." Emily said grinning

I purred and closed my eyes relaxing.  Emily pets us while we are phased but we have to be cautious because she is still getting comfortable.

One time she took a nap outside looking at the clouds trying to try cloud watching and woke up to us making a circle around her.  Sam was the closest to her. She laughed and said that she loved us.  We all howled with excitement and for the rest of that day we relaxed.

Forgiveness helped me move on.
My friendship with my cousin helped me smile again.
My wolf form helped Emily get over the one thing that made her nervous.

Emily and I will always back eachother up.  She is apart of the pack too, always.

My Darlin Mate *COMPLETE*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora