The Pack And The Cullens

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Jasper pov.
We are getting ready to go and see the Cullens.  I just finished picking Anabelle up from school.  That not from before keeps flirting with my girl.  He tried to grab her butt last time and I was about to jump out the car then I saw Anabelle throw him over her shoulder.  Everyone started laughing and once again turned him down.  When she got in the car I kissed her lips and told her that was hot.  She just laughed and said its all apart of her being herself.  Then she went upstairs to get ready for the meeting.  Anabelle is coming with us, I don't want her to be by herself especially after the Alice incident.  She is getting dressed now.  I was with Edward on the couch.  Graduation is coming up in three weeks.  I am happy and excited but also nervous.  I don't want her to be in pain or to regret anything.
Then she walks down the stairs.  She is wearing a turquoise short sleeve v-neck with Black leggings and black Nike gym shoes.  I told her to dress comfortable and with gym shoes if a fight breaks out and I need her to get away.

Of course safe thought I was bb ing ridiculous and could wear anything but after she thought about it a little she then got dressed. 

"You boys ready?"  Anabelle asked us.  She was looking at me in the eyes and fidgeting her fingers.

"I like what you are wearing."

She smiles brightly at me.  Then i got up grabbed her hand and the three of us left the house.  We were driving my car.  Edward was driving and I was in the passenger seat while Anabelle was in the back.  Her emtions were all over the place but I felt mostly anger, saddness and fear.

I turned to see that a tear has escaped her eye. I sent call waved to her and she turned and gave me a small smile.

When she looked at me I felt adoration and love.  I have been feeling that from her lately.  I wonder if she knows that she loves me. 

The I reached back and held her hand and she gave me a light squeeze.

Edward pov.
They are so cute together.  
They both love eachother yet they both don't know if the other one knows.
Anabelle has some plans ready to tell Jasper.  She is nervous about if he loves her back or not.  I keep telling her to keep going and keep loving Jasper.

We are almost at the house.  I am in no hurry to get there but we have to get there and talk all this out.  The drama is getting worse and worse.  I talked to Renesmee yesterday to apologize.  She forgave me and she is my daughter once again but I told her that there are ground rules that she must follow and it doesn't matter that she is now immortal.  Her being immortal just means longer punishment, like grounding for example.

She had asked me if I made things up and better with Bella.  I told her how we were all going to talk it out today and nomatter what she is my little girl and I love her.  She said I love you too then Tanya had called her name.

Jacob pov.

I know that she will probably kill me for being in here but I want to check on her and let her know that we are about to head out to the border.

I am sitting on the edge of Leah's bed.  Leah has been snoring non-stop.  I have to hold in my laugh because I know that if I laugh out loud that she will wake up.

Then Leah stirs in her sleep and holding her side.  Carlsile said that she will heal over time and that she will be okay but she will be in pain for a little while like four months a while.

The minute he said four months we all phases even Leah.  I was the only one able to come near her wolf form when she was pissed.  She had to lie on the ground for a while because the phasing really pained her.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and see Seth, Embry and Quil eating in the kitchen.  They all look at me with open mouths and then started laughing.

"She is sleeping Jake, she is safe."  Embry told me

"I need an ice pack, her side is starting hurt her."  That was all I said then they all sighed and nodded their heads.  Seth gave me an ice pack with a grin on his face.

"Shut up Seth." Then i walked up the stairs but the minute I got to the top of the stairs I can hear them laughing.

I walk inside and see that Leha wasn't in her bed and I heard the shower on in the bathroom.

Then about twenty minutes later ,Leah came back and she looked at me and the ice pack.

"Its okay Jake, the pain passed."  She told me.

I shook my head and pointed towards the bed.

"We are about to go to the meeting and you are going to stay here."

She stared at me wide eyed.  Leah takes pack business very seriously.  If something includes the pack and our safety then she wants to know every detail and fact there is. That is apart of the reason that I made her my beta. 
"Jake no. I can't just sit here while you guys go out there.  What if you need help."  She said frantically

"The last time you almost got attacked by a crazy arse hybrid."

She sighed knowing that after I brought up everytime she could have gotten hurt then I won't be negotiating anything.

She walked over to the bed, layed down, turned on tv and held her hand out for the ice pack.  I grinned at her after putting it in her side.  She gave me a small smile. 

"Becareful, all of you." She said sternly

"Always Lee."  Then i walked downstairs to see the entire pack there and Emily.

Emily agreed to stay here with Leah and my dad is here as well ready to settle the issue with the cullens.  He is giving me a grin while nodding his head.

"You ready Jake?"  He ask me

"Yep, lets kick some vampires out of town."

"Not that jake I meant,  are you ready?"  He said looking at me grinning and I look around the room to see everyone holding back laugh.

I walk out knowing that this conversation is about to get weird for me.

I phased when I got to the woods and I heard my pack do the same thing.  We all take off for the border.

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