The Fight That Could Change Everything(Part 2)

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Bella pov.
I couldn't believe it!  Jacob just attacked Rensmee to protect Leah of all people! I ran over to Renesmee to make sure she wasn't hurt but what I saw was worse.  Renesmee right side had blood running down it and a bite mark.  But by the way Rensmee is reacting something tells me she cares less about the attack and is just feels betrayed by her attacker.

Then all of a sudden I am kicked into a tree and then Rosalie screams at me and insults Renesmee at the same time.

I was ready for this, there was no doubt about it but then all of a sudden I see Alice run in between both Rosalie and I again.  I don't need her protection, I can knock somebody down without her help!
Then Rosalie and I ran deeper in the forest knowing that we won't be able to finish what we started with Alice there.

Right when I was about to attack Rosalie then Japser knocked me down and held me down by my neck and when I looked up his eyes were pitch black.

"Jasper don't, think about Anabelle." yelled Rosalie

"Don't ever come near me or my mate again." said Jasper.

Then Jasper ran off and my guess is that he ran off to Anabelle.  I got off the ground and saw the rest of the Cullen clan looking at each other and everyone seems to be on edge.  Rosalie walked up to Emmett and he put her over his shoulder and ran her back to the house.  I looked around for Edward and saw that he was nowhere to be found. 

"Wait...He is talking to the wolves about Renesmee." said Alice.

"Then how come we can't be there?" I asked her.

"Because Edward and Jacob seem to be having a deep conversation and from Edward's facial expressions, be prepared for the worst." said Alice.

This isn't good especially if even Edward is bothered by this. 

Edward pov.
After Rosalie and Bella ran into the forest Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle and Alice ran after them.  Esme took Renesmee to the house and Renesmee is still in shock of what had just currently happened.

"Edward, you know what this means, another meeting with our elders and this time Leah won't be able to defend for any of you!" Said Jacob.

"Jacob...I am truly sorry about the current events and we can't just get up and leave." I said apologetically.

"Nobody would notice especially if you don't come back!" growled Jacob

"Jasper's mate lives here and we can't just separate them." I told him

"She can go with you for all I care." said Jacob

"That isn't a good idea because she is Isabella's sister and they hate eachother." I told him.

"Wait...Anabelle...She is Jasper's mate...fine we'll make an exception for Jasper but not for the rest of you...especially Renesmee." said Jacob.

"Thank you Jacob." I told him

"I'm sorry Edward." Jacob said.

"You know your not as bad Jacob and I hope the best for you and your pack." I told Jacob.

"Your an exception Edward, I'll make sure that only the guilty are punished." said Jacob.

Then Seth helps Leah on his back and then they all took off.

I need to have a talk with my Wife!

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