Waiting for you.

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Carlisle pov.
We all met at the border then that was when Anabelle, Edward and Jasper had shown up.
They were standing off to the side and Japser had Anabelle behind him.  Jasper was looking at us all one by one.
He was looking to see Alice, and I told him that she was still healing.

That was when we smelled the wolves and one by one they each came but we call tell that Leah wasn't here.

Then the council had shown up but I can tell that they had already made a decision.

I walk up and greet them all one by one.

"We were informed that one of your own family members have attacked dear Anabelle, tell us if this is true or not." Billy Black had said.

"This is true."

"You know what this means.  The treaty no longer exist and all of you except for Edward and Jasper must leave.  If you are to come back then you will be ripped apart and burned, turned to ashes."  Billy Black has said harshly and sternly.

"I can live with that but what about if we want to see Edward, Jasper and my new sister." Rosalie said

We all grinned at Rosalie knowing that she has just accepted Anabelle as her sister, as family.  Anabelle walked up to Rosalie and have her a hug.  Then when they pulled away Jasper held Anabelle close and gave Emmett and Rosalie a slight nod.  Bella looked pissed and ready to start something.

I see that Billy Black is looking unsure at Jacob but Jacob just nods his head in agreement.

"That is acceptable but we must be informed at once."  Billy Black had said

"Thank you and I apologize at what this has come down too."

Billy Black nods his head at me.
He was about to say something else but then we all heard a huge crash.

We all look and see that Alice has come out and is snarling at Anabelle.  Anabelle is giving Alice glares while being protected and blocked away from Alice by Jasper.

Edward is flanking Jasper ready to protect him or Anabelle.  I look and see that the pack is ready to pounce.  There is no treaty anymore to stop them from coming on our side.  We have to be careful with the pack numbers and angry vampires this can get ugly. 

"Alice stop what you are doing."  Edward said giving Alice time to stop because Jasper eyes are black and one wrong move then Alice is going to be torn limb from limb once again.  This time I don't think that Jasper will leave anything of Alice to put together.

"No!  He was my mate first and is my mate!"  That was all Alice said before Jasper started snarling.  Anabelle kept her hand on Jasper shoulder to calm him and it was working but he still was growling at Alice.  She is a threat to his true mate and he is willing to kill her so that his mate can be safe.

"Jasper!  Alice is right! You are hers and nobody else's!"  Bella said flanking Alice.

"Bella, Alice cheated on Jasper.  If she was his true mate then Alice wouldn't have been able to do that."  Edward said snarling.

"Shut up Edward!  I am your wife!  You back me up!"  Bella snapped at Edward

Edward was about to say something but Anabelle beat him to it.

"Oh shut up!  You are nothing to Edward! You aren't his true mate!  You are wrong for him!  You are a sorry excuse!"  Anabelle had snapped at Bella.  She might not be a vampire but she fights for those that she cares about.

"Edward!  Back me up!!"  Bella continues to scream. 

"You are not my wife!  Not my mate!  You are nothing to me!!"  Edward snarled at Bella with pitch black eyes.

Bella look a bit taken back.

"Wait...what?!"  Bella screamed

"You are not my wife."  Edward had said clearly and truthfully.

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