Who Is Anabelle?

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In Charlie's car:
Anabelle- I just can't believe that he actually thinks that I am going over there
*Anabelle steps on the breaks and stops the car*
*Anabelle gets out of the car and runs and hugs Leah*
Out of the car:
Leah- I can't believe that you are here
Anabelle- Yeah, I am going to school here until I graduate
Leah- Why? I thought you didn't want to step foot here while Bella was here at the same time
Anabelle- I have some news that my mom wants ME to deliver to Bella
Leah- You?!
Anabelle- Yep!  I don't want to do this or see her!  But mom really wants this.
Leah- There is a bonfire tonight, come.
Anabelle- Why?
Leah- You've never missed or chose not to go to a bonfire
Anabelle- I'm just not ready
Leah- Okay but when are you going to see Bella
Anabelle- Probably soon , I just want to settle in first
Leah- And avoid big sister
(Leah and Anabelle laughs)
Anabelle- Well, I gotta go, tell Seth I'll see him soon.
Leah- I will
*Anabelle gets back in the car and drives off*
At the Cullen residence:
Jasper thoughts ( She is making this harder than it has to be.  She really thought that I wouldn't find out.  The major is busting through his cage and winning.  I should really go back up their and rip that man's head off.)
*Alice is now standing on front of Jasper *
Japser- What do you want Alice?!
Alice- You can't leave me like this!
Jasper- You are not my true mate!
Alice- Please, Jazzy please!
(Jasper growls at Alice and catches everyone's attention)
Edward- Jasper, Alice is right.  It was one mistake and it won't happen again.
(Jasper growls)
Carlisle- Japser think this through rationally
Japser- I'm leaving and that is it.
*Jasper runs upstairs and starts to pack his things*
*Charlie's car pulls up in the drive way*
Bella- Charlie's here!
*Then everybody walked outside to talk to Charlie and know what is going on*
Renesmee- Who is that?
Edward- That isn't Charlie
Esme- Then who is it?
Edward- Whoever it is I can't read their mind
Alice- I don't see anything
*Anabelle gets out the car and stands in front of them*
Bella- ANABELLE!!!!
(Everybody else screams What?!)
Bella- What are you doing here?!
Anabelle- Like I chose to come here by choice!  Mom wanted me to tell you something since you seemed to forget who gave birth to you!!
*Edward holds Bella back, hoping she won't expose them*
Edward- Who are you?!
Anabelle- Who me? I am Anabelle Swan, Isabella's little sister.
(Everyone looks shocked and with their mouth open except for Jasper who looks happy and shocked to find out that Anabelle is his true mate)
Carlisle- What are you doing here?
Anabelle- Why have you completely shut mom out and not dad!!!
Bella- I never shut mom out!
Anabelle- Yes you did!  You missed her birthday twice!!
(Bella gasps)
Anabelle- Where have you been?!  Do you even care about her anymore?!  And why in the world would you visit her a few years ago and then act like you'll never see her again?!  She has been depressed ever since you selfish cow!!!
(Bella looked down knowing that Anabelle was right,she did forget that she had a mother)
Anabelle- And before I forget, Mom is pregnant.
(Bella had a look of shock on her face)
Bella- Why didn't mom tell me! Why you?!
Anabelle- Maybe because she seems to think that you hate her!!
(Bella growls at Anabelle)
Anabelle- Oh, shut up vampire.
(Everyone has a look of shock on their face)
Carlisle- You know about vampires?
Anabelle- How do you think that I was able to convince mom to stay put a year ago.
Bella- Then why aren't you afraid, huh?
Anabelle- Because I still hate you and fear will never change that!
Bella- You ruined my life!
Anabelle- You got pregnant by my BOYFRIEND!
Bella- I lost the baby because of you!
Anabelle- I wasn't even there!  You were the one who wanted the adoption, not me!
Bella- I wouldn't have gotten pregnant if you didn't have a crush on my best friend!!
Anabelle- I had a crush on him when I was TEN!!!  I had my first boyfriend at fourteen!! I had feelings for him not that friend of yours!!! You always found a way to hurt me!! I will always Hate You for that!!! Always!!
Bella- Leave!
Anabelle- That is where you are wrong Cullen.  I'm going to be here for my final year of senior year.
Bella- Why did you have to be born?!
Anabelle- Because mom knew you weren't going to be there for her when she needed you most!
*Bella lunged for Anabelle but was thrown back by Japser*

Major pov.
I know she did not just try to attack my mate!  I was going to let Jasper handle it but since she started to lunge for my mate, I knew I was about to get my hands dirty! I'm about to start ripping off heads!!
What are you doing?! Asked my beautiful mate.
I turned and looked at her.
Hello Anabelle, I am Major Jasper Whitlock and you are my mate.
What did you just say? Asked Anabelle
Does she not want me? I frowned
No you don't bother me and I would be honored to be your mate but what are you doing? Said Anabelle
You are my mate and I will protect you nomatter what.
Okay, Major Jasper Whitlock said Anabelle
Call me major love, I told her.
Then I turned to look at the Cullens and I could feel the stares and glares from Edward, Bella, Alice, and Renesmee.  Rosalie and Emmett looked pleased while Carlisle and Esme looked conflicted.
I grabbed Anabelle's hand and put her in the car and when I got in I let Jasper have control again.

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