Chapter 1

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'In today's news: singer Yuki Tachibana will be, "taking a break" from her singing for some time. It is not known how long this leave may be, but fans around the world are disappointed. Here is what her manager had to say: "She just needed a break. She will be a second year in high school and doesn't want to miss out on a normal life. She humbly asks that her fans, no, her family, will wait for her return. Thank you very much." In other news-' *click*

"No! I don't want Yuki to leave! I love her music!" Hikaru cried as he hugged his brother. Kaoru, trying not to cry, hugs his brother to console him.

"It's ok Hikaru.... It's... It's not like she's leaving for good, right? Yeah, that's right! She asked us to wait for her so that's what we have to do, ok?"

"Kaoru.... You know just what to say~" he says while cupping Kaoru's cheek.

"Hikaru! Not in front of everyone! It's embarrassing...." Ear piercing shrieks fill the host club. It was just an ordinary day for them when they had the t.v. on to hear the "breaking news" of the twins' favorite idol.

"Honestly, how are you able to switch your emotions like that? It's really annoying" Haruhi holds the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"Now now, my darling daughter! It is a must for a host to be able to show how easily his emotions can be touched! Haven't I taught you anything?" Haruhi sweatdrops while Tamaki spins and sparkles.

"Yep. You certainly have taught me something."

"Ooo goody, what is it?!?? Tell daddy!"

"You've taught me how annoying one person can truly be" this sends Tamaki to his emo corner.

"What am I gonna do with you guys?" Haruhi smiles as she sighs and shakes her head.

~~~ Yuki's pov ~~~
"M-miss Tachibana! What a pleasure it is to have you coming to our school! Mr. Suoh wanted me to apologize on his behalf for not being able to welcome you himself." The beautiful secretary bowed and caught me off guard.

"N-no! Please, don't worry! I understand he's busy, I thought nothing of him not being here. Cross my heart!" She stood up and I drew an 'x' over my heart with my finger. She smiled and gestured me to sit.

"Now, I know you had asked for 'female only' classes-"

"Yes, that is a must have. Please tell me you offer those?" She frowned and shook her head.

"I'm sorry Miss Tachibana, but all of our classes are co-ed. Well, except p.e. of course. I'm afraid that the only way for you to be able to get those kinds of classes is if you went to Lobelia..." She smiles sadly at me, but I wave my hands at her trying to show her not to worry.

"I-I actually am transferring from Lobelia! Co-ed classes will be a nice change of pace, don't you think?" I give her my best smile and she sighs in relief.

"Oh, wonderful! I am actually a big fan and didn't want to disappoint you..." She laughs nervously and I can't help but give a real smile. I love my fans so much.

"Wow, really? I'm so honored!" She gave me a big smile and we both giggled. She looked at the time and cleared her throat, I'm guessing because she forgot that this was a professional meeting and not a VIP backstage pass meet.

"Well, here is your schedule. There is about another 30 minutes before classes start, so feel free to walk around the halls and see the clubs we have to offer. There are multiple music rooms as well, some not in use anymore." My face lit up at hearing this. I could tell that she noticed too, because she giggled.

"Well, I'm off! Thank you very much for your time." I bowed and left the office. This school is much bigger than Lobelia. This dress is horrid though... There's so many rooms and hallways. Why don't I try upstairs?

I've been walking around for what feels like forever. Where are the music rooms? I wonder if I'm in the right place.... Wait, that sign...

"Music room 3, huh? I guess I'll give it a try..." I open the door and get blinded by a bright light and swarmed with rose petals.


There's so many boys....

"Welcome princess! I've never seen you around before... Are you new?" A blonde got too close for comfort and tried to grab my hand.

"Y-yes I am, and I was just leaving." I hide my hand behind my back nicely. As I turn to leave, I'm face to face with 2 red heads. "Uhm... If you could just.... Please...."

"*gasp* YOU'RE YUKI TACHIBANA!!!!!" The, now noted, twins hugged each other and kept staring at me making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Yes I am... Now, I really need to be-"

"Yuki Tachibana: started off modeling when she was in middle school and when her manager learned she could sing, immediately made her a star." A guy with glasses read from a black book... A creepy black book if I might add...

"How did you...?" Something grabs my legs and I look down and see a little boy hugging my legs.

"Oh wow! A real live idol in our club room! Isn't this great Takashi?" I look to see who he's talking to and see a frighteningly tall man walk over and nod.

"Yeah." He grabbed the boy off of me making me unconsciously flinch.

"You're a bit jumpy for an idol, but don't worry. It took me a while to get used to them too." A girlish-looking boy said to me. Oddly enough, I feel at ease with him.

"Oh, I can't believe that someone as pretty as you would come all this way just to be with me, my princess." The tall blonde pulled me close to him. Uncomfortably close. Too close.

"I-I'm sorry!" I shout and push him off of me as hard as I could. He stumbles slightly, but I can't seem to catch my footing. I bump into a cabinet and watch in horror as sets of fine china start crashing down on me.

"Yu-chan! Are you ok?" The short boy yelled as he and the rest of the group ran over to me. I look at my hands to see them covered in small scratches and some with glass in them.

"Yeah, it's not as bad as I thought. No worries." I smiled shakily. I suddenly feel something warm going down the side of my head. I touch it and see blood on my finger.

"Kyoya, call a doctor."

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