Chapter Six

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"You know if you keep scrunching your face like that it'll freeze." 

Angelina made a grunting noise at Blaise's comment, never letting her eyes wander from the Weasley twins during lunch. Term had started up, and Angelina couldn't help but glare at the two people who'd frozen her just before break. 

"Let her keep doing it," Pansy remarked. 

Angelina rolled her eyes, sighing heavily before getting up, "I'm going to study before my last class." 

Pansy nodded her head slightly as Angelina began walking away, but not before she was shoved so harshly she fell into the back of a fellow Slytherin who was enjoying his lunch. 

"Watch where you're going." 

Angelina glared at the Slytherin girl, "I know where you sleep, Bethany. Watch it." 

"You think you're so tough?" Bethany sneered, stepping closer, "what's a pudgy, ugly girl like you going to do to me?" 

Several ideas flashed through her mind: imaginary snakes in the bed, taking all her clothes and burning them, locking her out of the dormitory. But of course, nothing would work. All the girls in the room would have Bethany's back. 

"Just keep moving and don't get in my way anymore," Bethany hissed. 

Angelina gritter her teeth, she had no comebacks, nothing to say so she nodded, not wanting this to go on any longer. With a final glare Angelina began walking off, until she heard the sound of fabric tearing and books falling to the ground. Closing her eyes with a defeated sigh, Angelina looked at her feet while the sound of laughter reached her ears. Broken bottles of ink splattered her parchment and books at her feet. 

"That's it," Angelina growled, turning on her heel. "Detention for you, Miss Sanders."

"You can't do that," Bethany scoffed. 

Angelina pulled on her robes, pointing out the pin that was for the Inquisitory Squad, "the hell I can't." 

With a wave of her wand, Angelina lifted her belongings beside her before walking out of the hall, for the first time since she'd come to Hogwarts she felt empowered. It was brilliant. 

On her way out of the hall, she saw Draco saunter his way down the grand staircase with a carefree smirk on his face. Angelina's mind raced a mile a minute, but it quickly came to the conclusion that there was nothing she could do to ever make him notice her. 

"Morning, Angelina," he smiled. 

"Morning, Draco," she said in response as she passed him.


After Angelina's confrontation with Bethany, students seemed more warry of her than Angelina had experienced in her four years at the magical school. At least the first and second years seemed wary of her. The fourth years still gave her dry and disgusted looks and anyone older than her just thought she was another girl on a power trip-something that would die off quickly, they were sure. 

"You sure no one is following us?" 

Angelina smirked slightly as she followed behind Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom on their way to a secret meeting. Invisibility spells were second nature to her at this point. 

"I swear someone is following us!" Neville muttered. 

"Calm down, Neville, we're fine," Luna soothed. 

Slowly pulling out her wand, Angelina prodded Neville's back, before he could react he fell to the floor with a thud. Luna turned on her heel in a panic, branishing her wand. 

"Expelliamus!" Angelina said too quick for Luna to counter, sending away her wand. 

Luna looked at Angelina with fear in her big saucer eyes before running away from her possible capture. 

"Don't run, I just want to talk!" Angelina yelled after the small blonde before following suit. 

Luna rounded a corner just as Angelina was close to her, when she rounded the corner Angelina stopped in her tracks. 

"We don't want any trouble Slytherin," a boy Angelina didn't remember his name spoke up, his Irish accent heavy as he lifted his wand up. 

Five boys stood in the hall, blocking the way through, Angelina gave a heavy sigh. 

"You really think you can stop me?" Angelina sneered. "Locomotor Mortis!" Two of the boys fell to the ground, their legs locked into place while the other three jumped out of the way. 




The jinx sent the boy with Irish accent to the ground, Angelina looked at the three boys struggling to get back up, all seemed to be wearing Gryffindor ties around their necks. Footsteps took Angelina from her thoughts, the last two boys were running faster than she could keep up with, with a shrug Angelina turned her attention back to the three boys at her feet. 

"I'll let you all go without a scratch if you can tell me what's going on," Angelina spoke with authority. 

"There's nothing you need to know about," one with dreds spoke up. 

"If you tell me, I won't even report it," Angelina shrugged. 

"Oh now you're just speaking out your arse!" The Irish one spat. 

Angelina shook her head slightly, "I'm going to find out no matter what. So tell me." 

The three boys continued struggling on the ground. "We're not going to tell you so just give up." 

Angelina's vision went blurry, the corners of her eyes were cloaked in black before she felt the marble floor touch her cheek. Angelina felt her body freeze, her vision obscured as someone gently took her arms and moved her to the side. 

"I'm sorry about this," a voice muttered that she didn't recognize. 

"So you were chasing the Lovegood girl and were stopped by five Gryffindors?" 

Angelina nodded, "I managed to stun three of them but they got the upper hand." 

Draco let out a low groan, "you're honestly useless," Pansy muttered. 

"I'd like to see you lot do better," Angelina shot back, she turned on her heel and walked out to her domitory. 


"Angelina let's move," Blaise prodded her shoulder one April evening, "Umbridge needs us." 

"What's going on?" Angelina questioned as she tried to keep pace with Blaise. 

"We got 'em," Blaise grinned. 

The seventh floor, of course. How didn't Angelina think this through?! She waited behind a suit of armor, Umbridge had finally gotten her hands on the information she needed about Potter's secret group he had created. Her wand firmly gripped in her hand, Angelina took a deep breath and jumped from her hiding spot, as two Gryffindors passed her. 

"Stupefy!" Angelina shouted, causing the Weasley twins to fall to the ground with disgruntled noises. 

Angelina turned on her heel, coming down the hall was Ginny Weasley. 

"Reducto!" Angelina felt the force of the spell push her back against the closest wall as Ginny ran pass. 

With a grunt, Angelina got to her feet briefly as her ankle gave out on her with a sharp pain. Broken? She thought to herself as she touched the now tender area and bit her lip to stop the screams. 


Sorry I've been gone for so long, I just started back at school and there's a ton of stress and I've been super busy. Anyways, here's the new chappy! I'm gonna start work on the next for ya'll while I have a moment. 

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