Bone breaking

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I get home and I call Maya.
F- Hey Maya
M- Hi Farkle
L- Hey Farkle
M- Lucas please just shut the fuck up
I hear Maya and Lucas arguing and Maya speaks up and says
M- I've got to go Farkle call you later I love you
F- I love you too bye Maya

"What's the fucking problem Maya?" "Nothing." Lucas looks into my eyes and says "I love you and I don't want to fight with you. But I don't want you to talk to me like that." "I'm sorry I am. I'm sorry that I can't control my mouth like you want me to. Put a muzzle on me Lucas. Lately I've been feeling like your property and not your best friend. I'm a human don't treat me like im a fucking object. I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I'm sorry that I'm not what you want." I mumble the last part hoping Lucas didn't hear me. I walk back to my dorm. Once I get inside I lock it.

I go to Mayas dorm to see if she's okay and to tell her I don't want anything perfect or anything like what me and Riley had. I go to the dorm and I knock on her door and no one responds. I pick the lock and I walk in to see maya curled up in a ball on her bed. "Maya. Are you okay?" She groans. "Maya talk to me." She hits me in the head with a pillow. I pick her so that I can look at her but she sits there lifeless and blank. "I want to be alone Lucas. Please leave." I shake my head no. "Fine but don't listen. I'm talking to Charlie."

I hear Maya say "hi I really miss you. I know you're going to say I moved on fast but I still love you. You didn't give me a chance to say goodbye. And I know I moved on with the right person but you will still have a price of my heart. I even got a tattoo for you. I miss you so much. I just wish you could come back one more time so I could get a proper goodbye."

Maya tries to leave through the door. I block the door trying to talk to Maya. "Maya I want to talk to you." She tried to say something but sighs. She goes out the window and I hear a hard thud. I look at the window and I see maya on the ground. I quickly go down stairs to try and help her. "Maya are you okay." She looks at me and smiles "No but I will be I just want to be alone right now. If that's okay with you." I look into Mayas eyes. "I'm not leaving. What if you're back is broken. You just fell from three stories. I hate you so fucking much Maya." "I hate you so fucking much Lucas." "Maya I'm sorry for treating you so poorly these past few days. You deserve to be treated like a queen and I've been treating you like your a carnival prize. Can you forgive me?" She shakes her head no. "Maya you're not making this easy for me." "I don't want this to be easy. But I'm going to try and stop being problematic." I sigh while shaking my head "you're not problematic. I'm sorry for fighting with you so much. I miss when we used to bicker with each other and laugh about it." "Then that's what we'll do." . She lays on top of me and kisses me. She pulls away and laughs. We both stand up and she says "carry me." "No." "Lucas I just fell seven feet from a building." "And you're five feet tall so you only fell two feet." She rolls her eyes and jumps on my back. She starts to play with my hair and I smile. I get a call from Farkle before Lucas can say anything.
M- Hey Farkle
F- Hey Maya
M- What's up
F- Riley
M- Ooo do tell
F- She got upset because I kissed your nose
I laugh a little
M- tell her it was nothing
F- I did
M- I'll talk to her it's fine but if you want her forgiveness watch when harry met sally with French vanilla ice cream
F- Okay bye Maya tell Lucas I said hey
M- Lucas Farkle say hey
L- What's up Farkle
F- I've got to go but I'll text you later
M- Bye
F- Bye

I throw Maya onto her bed and she winces. "What wrong?" "My back hurts." She takes off her shirt and her whole back is purple. "You might have fallen harder than I thought." She shoots me a look and says "what happened?" "Your back is mildly purple." She runs up to the mirror and looks at her back. "Oh shit."  Maya lays back down on her bed. I try and rub her back but she starts wincing. "Lucas it hurts so fucking bad." She hugs me and I'm unsure of what to do. Maya eventually falls asleep and I go to the drug store to get her some things.

I wake up and I see Lucas sitting on the floor next to me. "How are you feeling?" "Cold." He takes an ice pack off of my back and puts the blanket over me. "Why are you taking care of me." "Because I love you." My face turns red. Lucas hand me an Advil and a water bottle. "You know when I fell I thought I was going to be very hurt. I couldn't breath for about thirty second and then I saw you and I smiled remembering that there were people that would be concerned about me." I used my words very carefully. Lucas kisses me and smiles. I sit in his lap and I lay my head on his shoulder. "I love you." "I love you more." He kisses the side of my head and says "no i love you more." I sigh as I rub my thumb over Lucas's cheek. I kiss his cheek and I lay my head back on the shoulder. "I really don't deserve you after treating you like crap. I'm sorry." "Maya it's okay I promise. I love you."

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