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"How did you beat me?" I say while walking up to Charlie. "You just suck." I laugh while walking to Farkles car.

We get to Charlie's hotel room and we have twenty minutes until lunch with my parents. He starts to kiss my neck and I say "no hickeys plus we only have twenty and I don't want a quickey." "Fine just let me kiss you then." He kisses from my neck to my then to my lips. "Charlie I need to get ready." He lays his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my waist and says "but Maya." "Youre acting like such a baby." I say running my hand through his hair. "Baby." He says in my ear. He lays down on the bed and drags me with him. "Come on we only have ten minutes."

"How do I look baby

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"How do I look baby." Charlie looks at me and smiles "you look gorgeous." "Thanks." I look at the ground and Charlie says "Maya we have to go." "Right I forgot." He holds my hand as we get a cab. Before we get in the cab Charlie says "I really love you Maya. And I'm sorry I haven't been treating you right lately." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion "what do you mean you've been treating me fine." "Fine isn't good enough Maya you deserve more. I just feel like we're constantly talking about sex. And I'm sorry." I smile while saying "then it's good thing we're going on a date tonight. Just let's have a night with no physical contact except hand holding." Charlie just smiles and opens the cab door for me to get out.

We get to the cafe and I sit next to my dad and Charlie sits next to my mom. "Maya how come we haven't seen you in so long?" "It's been a week mom. Plus I just wanted to get used to sleeping there again. And I promise I'll be there when I get home." She just nods and changes the topic.

In the middle of lunch Charlie accidentally says "hey dad can you hand me the salt." I just sit there. The whole table gets quiet. "I'm sorry." Charlie says. "No it's okay son you can call me dad." My eyes start to water and I look away. "Guys stop being all mushy." Everyone starts laughing and gets back to the conversation.

Me and Charlie take a cab back to his hotel and he says "did you have a good time?" I smile while saying "of course I did. Did you?" "Yeah your parents are amazing." I sit there a moment. "You called my dad dad." "I did." he takes both of my hands in his and I lay my head on his shoulder. "I love you Maya." "I love you too."

We start to walk inside the hotel and I say "I'm tired can you carry me?" He holds my bridal style in his arms and I burry my head in his chest.

We get to his room and he lays me on the bed and says "go ahead and take a nap." "Can you cuddle with me?" He gets in bed next to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "I love you." "I love you too." I turn around and I kiss his lips. I start to make a hickey on his neck until I hear him moan "Maya." I stop. I just look at him. I kiss his neck again. He flips us over so that he's on top "I won Maya. Fair and square." He kisses my neck down to my chest and slowly takes off my dress. "So you didn't wear a bra. Were you expecting this?" I just bite my lip. "You aren't listening. I said were you expecting this?" I ignore him wanting him to be rough with me. He roughly grabs my thighs. "Why aren't you listening to me?" I shrug my shoulders. "I guess you'll have to punish me for being a bad girl." He slaps my ass and I smile. "Stop smiling this is suppose to be serious." He says laughing. "I can't help it." "And why is that?" "I'm happy with you." He raises his eyebrows and says "you are?" "I am mr. now let's get back to business."

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