The kiss

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today is the day that we leave New York. As soon as I wake up I head to Topangas and Corey's to say goodbye to everyone. I knock on the door and before i can even focus on who I'm looking at I get picked up off of my feet by Riley. "I'm going to miss you so much Peaches." "I'm going to miss you too honey." I say while wrapping my legs around her waist.

After five minutes Riley finally sets me back down on the ground. I run up to Corey and Topanga and I hug them both to death. "I'm going to miss you my amazon warrior." I hear Topanga say. "I'm going to miss you guys so much." I then hug Farkle. "And how could I forget about you. I really love you Farkle. I'm going to miss you and your brain so much more then you realize." "I'm going to miss you more Maya." I hear as I notice him tighten his grip around me. I lay my head on his shoulder and we sit like that for a moment. I then hear loud footsteps running down the stairs and I practically get tackled to the ground by Augi. We roll on the ground hugging each other. "Geez you're getting so big Augi. You cant do that anymore." I ruffle his hair then I stand up and give him another hug. "I'm really going to miss you Maya." "Me too Augs, me too." I finally let go of him then I look around the room one more time. I almost burst into tears seeing all my loved ones.

I sit in the back with Farkle and Charlie. The ride was silent and long and Charlie ended up falling asleep against the window while holding my hand. I smile and lay my head on Farkles shoulder.

It's finally time for Maya, Charlie and Lucas to leave. Maya hugs me tight. She pulls away and I kiss her nose. Mayas face turns red and Lucas notices and puts his arm on Mayas shoulder. She looks at him annoyed and takes his arm off of her. "Bye guys." They walk off and Lucas offers to take Mayas suitcase but she seems like she doesn't want him to. We go back to my car and Riley says "why did you kiss Mayas nose." "It was a friendly kiss Riley there is no reason to get upset." She rolls her eyes. "Okay whatever Farkle."

Maya seems annoyed with me. "Maya are you really upset.I'm sorry" "You're a douche." "I'm not going to fight with you maya." She rolls her eyes and just shrugs her shoulders. Wow she really stopped giving a shit. And I'm surprised that Charlie is acting unphased by this whole situation.

We get into the plane and I ignore Lucas. I notice myself staring at Charlie. He notices me looking at him and he smiles. His smile is contagious. I smile back at him. "Why are you looking at me like that." "Like what?" "Like I'm not real." I sit there confused. "How do I know your real." He kisses me. I smile "I'm still not sure." He kisses me again. "Maybe one more time to make sure." He grabs my cheeks and kisses me for a long time. He tries to put his tongue in my mouth but I shake my head no. He kisses me one last time and lays his head on my shoulder. "Your hair is getting so long." I smile while brushing my fingers through his hair. "That feels good." I laugh under my breath because he is just so adorable. His hair actually looks really cute like how the ends slightly curl up into the cutest style. I think it's adorable. He's like my very own Benny boo boo bear. Except he's my Charlie care bear.

"Riley you made it seem like it wasn't a big deal earlier. Why do you keep talking about it?" "Because I'm your girlfriend and you kissed my best friend." "Riley it wasn't even a real kiss. You're making a big deal out of nothing." She rolls her eyes and says "Farkle you have been in love with me and Maya since kindergarten and it makes me uncomfortable to know that you kissed her." I stop the car. "You know what makes me uncomfortable is that you are always on my case about the little things but I let you rant to me about Lucas for five fucking years Riley." There is a long silence until I start back up the car.

I drop Riley off and I don't even know if we are together anymore. She takes things too seriously I don't know what happened to the optimistic Riley I used to know.

We get off the plane and Maya takes a look at me after what seems like hours of her ignoring me. She wont let anyone take her suitcase and she is struggling the whole time getting off the plane.


I take Mayas suit case after seeing her struggle for what seems like hours and after her saying she can do it on her own. She looks at me and says "Carry me." "My hands are full." She pouts and I throw her over my shoulder. "Charlie." I ignore Mayas whining. "Charlieeeee" I ignore her again. "CHARLIE." She eventually gives up. I carry her until we get to the cab I called. Me and Maya sit in the back and all of a sudden she puts her hand on my thigh. She slowly moves her hand up closer to my dick. I put my hand on top of hers to try and make her stop. "No M..." She tongue kisses me. "Maya stop." "I want you." "Maya please stop. We can't do this here and you know we can't but when we get to my room I'll make sure you get what you want." She nods her head and sits back down in her seat.

It starts to get quiet and I say "you can play with my hair if you want." She doesn't move or say anything. I put her hand on my head and she looks at me. I lay my head on her shoulder and she looks at me and kisses my forehead. "can you stop acting so cute." I lift my head off of her shoulder and i kiss her. It turned out way more sensual then it should have been. I see her swallow hard while looking into my eyes. She wants me just as bad as I want her. I kiss her one more time.

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