The HUGE fight

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*BTS rushed to the hospital and saw Yoongi all beat up. Namjoon went to get a doctor while Jimin stood there with Yoongi.*

Jimin: Suga hyung? Are you okay? What happened? Did J-Hope do this?

*Suga just laid down, not saying anything*

Jimin: He's knocked out... Namjoon! HURRY!

*At J-Hopes room*

Moon: *knock knock*

J-Hope: What? WHO'S THERE?

Moon: It's... Moon...

J-Hope: ... What? Go away!

Moon: No! I want to ask what happened! Why did you beat up Suga?

J-Hope: *opens door* you really want to know?

Moon: Yes! What happened?

J-Hope: Well, Suga said he wanted you to get hit by a train. I walked up to him and asked "why did you say that?" And he said... "You can ask Jimin". And I knew about how Jimin said he had a... small crush on you... I thought Suga was jealous or something... so I said: "Jimin would never like someone like you" and then we started to fight.

Moon: WHAT? Jimin? B- But I don't like Jimin! I like y- I mean... WHAT?

J-Hope: Yea... we were fighting and... and I punched him so hard that he fell... I shouldn't have done that... Now you should go...

Moon: No... I can't

J-Hope: Why?

To be continued...

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