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New Year passed by
You didn't even said hi
I started burning bridges
Building walls from scratch

Tearing all off my mask
I've completely changed at last
Everyday I wear a smile
I've never felt so free and high

You were finally out of the picture
Like I totally didn't even know you
Now I see a different future
Separate ones for me and you

Yet fate can just be so cruel
Reconnecting our paths once again
It may have thought it would be cool
To see us like how it was back then

So I caved hard and stayed still
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Yet all my efforts were wasted
When your white flag was waved

You stood up and walked towards me
I cried hard remembering our memories
You hugged me and said your apology
I hugged you tighter and replied I'm sorry


Thoughts of a Mad PersonWhere stories live. Discover now